43. Ramen

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Kain and Riley made it back to the front gates of the campus with Riley's fingers still intertwined with the firm grip he had on her hand. "I've got a better idea," said Kain as they were just about to head through the gates.

Pulling her away from the brick wall entrance, she resisted with little resistance. Kain led her through to the car park and over to his vehicle. It was a modest-looking college car. Nothing too fancy, but enough to be a nice car. Was it stupid to be following him off campus? Probably. Was the excitement getting to her? Maybe.

"We really should get to class. We're going to be late," said Riley as Kain opened the passenger side door for her, nudging her slightly as she climbed up onto the leather seats of the oversized vehicle.

"We're going to skip class today. I think we both deserve a break."

"But won't we get in trouble?" asked Riley, nervously biting her lip as she glanced back over to the campus grounds and watched the massive crowds disappear into the building.

"I take it you've never skipped class before?" asked Kain, raising his eyebrows with a playful smirk.

Riley turned her head away as Kain laughed, closing the passenger side door before moving around to the driver's side and getting into the car.

It was true; she had never once skipped class before. It never really even crossed her mind. She spent so much of her energy simply completing one task and then the next. There was never really a thought process about doing anything outside of what would get her through the day.

"I know of a place near here. We could grab some food. Are you hungry?"

"I could eat," responded Riley, as she clipped in her seatbelt, remaining unsure if she could actually stomach anything considering the butterflies whirling away inside of her.

She was excited and nervous at the same time as she contemplated what she was doing. Did this classify as a date? The protocols for dating were not something that she had any knowledge about except her brief experience with movies, but food with a guy made it a date, right?

Then the worst thought came into her mind and her lips down turned into a frown.

"Is everything okay?" asked Kain as he glanced over for a moment before putting the car into gear and setting off.

"My brothers are going to kill me for this," blurted out Riley. "I'm putting out a warning now. You could be next."

The laughter of Kain echoed through the car along with the sound of the humming engine as they turned onto the main road. "They won't if you don't tell them about it," said Kain with a mischievous grin. "But don't worry, I'll get you back in plenty of time before they pick you up. And before Noah can kick my ass. After seeing him in the ring, I don't think I ever want to go up against him."

Kain continued down the road, one hand casually on the steering wheel as his other rested on the open window. A deliciously cool breeze was drifting in that was doing wonders in easing the heat radiating from her cheeks. Eventually, they steered off into a side street and parked up next to the curb.

"Hope you like noodles. This place does the best ramen in town." Kain opened the car door, to which Riley followed, practically jumping down from the height of the vehicle as she once again cursed that she wasn't taller.

The noodle shop in question was little more than a rundown hole in the side of the wall, yet the mingling college students already crowded around, spilling out onto the grass nearby, with those on break eager for a good feed.

They pushed past the noisy crowd hovering on the sideway and into the line that was gathering down the sidewalk. It was a pretty big queue, but it seemed to move relatively fast.

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