12. Bingo!

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Noah walked into the restaurant, following Liam and about five other friends of his, including Tyrus. He was glad they chose a not too fancy Chinese restaurant and the hustle and bustle of the multiple patrons had them shoving through the crowded seats to a small reserved table at the back.

The loudness of the restaurant was a welcome addition, as Noah really wanted to talk to Tyrus about Jason. Not necessarily to push the matter, but more to find out where he and Jason stood. If Tyrus wasn't interested, then he wouldn't push it. But if he was, then he would do his best to help. He needed Jason to get over this irrational fear he had of him and Riley being hurt again.

As they pulled up a seat at the round table, he conveniently sat with Tyrus on one side and Liam on the other. They quickly ordered a round of drinks and sat there for a moment, reading through the menus while casual chit chat started up around the table. Even though there were only seven people, the noise of the restaurant was so loud he could barely pick up any of the discussions happening on the other side of the table.

"This is the best Chinese restaurant in town," Liam said, raising his voice slightly over the noise. "But I'll do the ordering," he continued, taking the menu out of Noah's hand. "Being a seasoned veteran at this and all. I promise, you won't be disappointed."

Noah merely nodded at Liam, trusting his judgement, as a server placed a cold beer in front of him. He then watched as Liam started ordering every kind of food available and he was pretty sure that they wouldn't be able to finish it all.

Grabbing a quick swig of his beer, Noah relished in the refreshing taste as it glided down his throat. His thoughts had turned away from the food being ordered, although internally his body was growling with hunger. Turning his focus on Tyrus sitting next to him, he wondered how he would broach the subject of Jason.

"I heard you're a pretty good fighter," said Tyrus, pulling Noah from his thoughts.

"Are you kidding me?" Liam chimed in as the server finally left with their massive order of food. "He's the best fighter I've ever seen."

"I think you're exaggerating a bit," said Noah.

Liam slapped him on the back, causing him to almost choke as he took another sip of his beer. "Oh, come on. Don't be so modest. Your fighting style is amazing. Well, I am your teacher, so what more would you expect."

"I wouldn't mind having a round in the ring with you sometime if you're up for it?" said Tyrus, casually drinking his beer.

"Oh man," said Liam. "Tyrus and Noah in the ring together? Now that would be some fight. I'm still betting on Noah though."

"Really?" said Tyrus, raising an eyebrow. Tyrus took one look up and down Noah's body, trying to assess his strength from just looking at him. "Interesting."

Not waiting for Noah's answer, Liam was already on the ball, excited and ready to organise a match between the two. "I'll set it up for this weekend and let you know the details."

"I haven't even agreed to this yet," said Noah.

"But I know you will," smiled Liam. "You never give up an opportunity to fight against someone better than you."

"You think he's better than me?"

"He might be," responded Liam nonchalantly.

"You're on." The words spilled out of Noah's mouth before he even realised what Liam did. Yet again, he agreed to something that Liam coaxed him into, just like this dinner, and he cursed himself for being so easy to manipulate.

Liam turned in his seat, a massive gin on his face as he excitedly told the other guys about the fight he was scheduling this weekend. This left Noah and Tyrus to themselves again and his thoughts wandered back to Jason.

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