61. Six Months Later

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Tyrus stayed true to his word. He was there every step of the way in Jason's recovery. From paying for his medical bills to attending every single physiotherapy session for the last six months. Through the highs and the lows, which were really low for Jason, mentally and physically. Jason was finally back on his feet again.

And from much persistence from Tyrus, he went into therapy to help him work through his struggles. He didn't realise how much pressure he was putting on himself until he talked through his past with the therapist. And finally, he was learning to let go and enjoy his life, instead of merely surviving it.

It was hard at first to be around Tyrus. Everything about him reminded Jason of how he put his family in danger. And he felt so conflicted about his feelings for him. At night when the house was silent and everyone was fast asleep, he found himself either crying silently from frustration or punching his pillow to vent out the anger inside.

But he couldn't deny that he loved the man. He couldn't deny that his heart yearned for Tyrus's touch, for the feel of his body on top of his. The feel of his soft lips. It was a warm summer's day, sitting out on the porch, staring out into the edge of the forest that he finally realised it was pointless fighting it. Even Riley was insistent to just forgive and forget.

And it seemed like fate had a way of knowing his decision even before he did as Tyrus drove up to his house at that very moment. As usual, he was holding two cups of coffee and looking like he had just come from the gym with his sweat coated body look.

Kain hopped out of the passenger side of the car, holding a bag from the local bakery in town and another tray of coffees.

"We brought breakfast," said Tyrus as he walked up the porch and handed Jason the extra cup of coffee.

Jason nodded in appreciation and took a sip as Noah came out of the front door. He grabbed one of the extra coffees from Kain and took a seat next to Jason.

"Do you mind if I grab a shower?" asked Tyrus.

"Please do," said Noah. "You stink."

Jason chuckled. "Riley's in her shower at the moment, so just wait until she's done running the water."

"Of course." Tyrus disappeared inside as Kain took a seat on a chair, joining Jason and Noah.

It had taken a while for Jason to become comfortable with Kain dropping in to see Riley. He hated her being in a relationship with anyone. But at the end of the day, Kain was there for Riley, just as Tyrus had been there for him. And from much persistence by Riley, he eventually let it be, with much supervision on his part.

"I have something to ask of you both," Kain said as he leaned forward in his seat. Jason and Noah said nothing, waiting for him to continue.

"I want to surprise Riley and take her away for the weekend. Tyrus has a vacation home at Kings Point that he said we could use. Just the two of us."

Jason nearly had a heart attack, and Noah let out a cackle of laughter.

"You've got to be kidding," said Noah.

Kain kept his serious expression, hands clasped together under his chin, leaning his elbows on his knees. "I'm completely serious. I've been thinking about this for a while now."

"You are definitely out of your mind," added Jason, uncurling his hands from the fists they had found themselves clenched into. It was his go to move when anything unbalanced his emotions.

"Riley and I have been dating for a while now, and I think we are ready for the next step. With her permission, of course."

"You've basically just confessed that you're planning to fuck my sister," replied Jason.

Kain stood up, proceeding to lean back on the bannister of the railing on the porch. "The trip isn't about being intimate with her, and whether it happens or not, it will be her decision alone. But I would like to spend some quality time with her. Without the constant watchful eye of others. I'm sure she would enjoy a bit of freedom as well. No offence, but you two are pretty overbearing at times."

Jason couldn't fault his argument there. It must be pretty hard on Riley to constantly have someone watching over her relationship and maybe, just maybe, it might be time to give Riley the freedom she deserved. The freedom she had never really experienced before.

Noah glanced in Jason's direction. It seemed as though they may be thinking the same thing. They didn't always agree on things when it came to Riley, but Jason was learning to lighten up a bit at Noah's insistence. They both turned back to face Kain with fiercely darkening eyes.

"If you touch even one hair on her head in the wrong way," said Noah.

"We'll skin your fucking dick off," continued Jason.

"Do we make ourselves clear?" Noah finished, cracking his knuckles.

A smile touched the corner of Kain's lips. "I'll go and tell her the good news." Kain was quick to disappear from sight and into the house.

"I better go make sure they're not already at it," said Noah as he got up off his seat and followed Kain inside, passing Tyrus as he made his way back out onto the porch.

Tyrus came out showered and clean, the fresh water still dripping from his hair, but he looked as handsome as always. He walked across the porch and took a seat next to Jason.

"If he touches one hair on her head in the wrong way, I'll skin him alive."

Tyrus chuckled. "I guess you agreed to his vacation then."

"Reluctantly," admitted Jason, still not sure he was comfortable with the idea or not.

There was silence between them for a while as they watched the birds flitter around in the trees and the gentle breeze dance through the dried grass field before them. Jason wanted to say something, but he couldn't quite find the right words to say. There was a yearning for him to just grab Tyrus's hand, pull him close and kiss him until the sun went down, perhaps even longer.

They hadn't been intimate with one another since the incident. Hell, they had barely even touched hands unless Tyrus was catching him when he stumbled, as he often did with his newly functioning legs. But it was time. It was time to forgive and try to forget. It was time to move on with his life.

"Tyrus," said Jason, turning to face him.

Tyrus barely had time to turn in his direction before Jason found himself grabbing hold of Tyrus by the shirt and pulling him forward. He stopped and placed his forehead against Tyrus's, keeping his fist still curled up in his shirt.

"If you ever pull that shit with me again, I will burn your body to the ground and bathe in your ashes. Do I make myself clear?"

Jason didn't even wait for a response before he kissed Tyrus. The kiss was deep, passionate, and lustful, and neither one seemed willing or able to come up for air. It was a kiss that sealed their relationship in cement, brought them back to happiness and finally allowed Jason to let go of the past. He was ready to move forward, and he was ready to move forward with the man that he loved.

Once they finally came up for air, Tyrus smiled, brushing his fingers through Jason's hair. "Did you just threaten an FBI officer, Jason? Because I believe the maximum penalty is ten years' imprisonment. And I think I'm going to start your sentence tonight, imprisoned in my bed."

Jason gulped, his mind turning blank as thoughts of Tyrus rushed in and consumed him whole. As they always did. He was safe and so was his family. And with his final decision to be with Tyrus again, he felt like all was right with the world once more. At this moment in time, he was truly happy.

The End

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