The origins of Gama

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Barbie's POV

And I thought after finding the Roberts legacy I could take a break.

Apparently I was wrong.

After two days of being in hospital we went to a country side away from cities to get the training we needed.

Being separated from my family some of my friends, school and Ken was pretty hard for me.

"Before the actual trainings I want to let you know what you girls are actually facing," grandpa said.

We were in a huge mansion let's call it.

Because it was about something emergency my parents, Aunt Zoe, Uncle Alexander and Cassandra were also there with us.

"Is this something about Dunbar? Because he caused so much of trouble for us lately," Renee asked.

"He can be one of the threats you'll have to face.....but I am talking about people who are way more vicious than him. These people show no mercy towards anyone," grandpa responded.

Grandpa clapped his hands three times and a screen appeared right in front of us.

On the display there was a sign, Gama.

"What is Gama?" Renee asked.

"Gama is a terrorist organization that is known to cause fear and chaos. Their goal as they say is the development of technology no matter what. But this can cause sever damage to people," Aunt Zoe began to explain, "But the last time they were active was twenty years ago before their leader, Joey Watson was killed by one of the agents."

Wow, that was a lot to take in.

"How do you know it's actually Gama?" Teresa asked, "It can be another organization for all we know."

"As I said their goal is to rule over people by developing technology because they believe technology is power. So when we saw strange activities all around the world we knew something was up," Aunt Zoe said as she played a video on the screen in front of us.

The video started with two scientists working in a lab.

Right then something from above was dropped in one of the experiments causing a huge explosion.

The two scientists jumped behind a desk.

Five men who were heavily armed with three men who looked like scientists came inside the lab.

Those two scientists tried to call the security but they were caught by the henchmen.

Those three other men collected all of the experiments in a bag.

One of them stabbed a needle to their arms causing both scientists to pass out right away.

"Oh my God! He did not just do that! T-virus, is that you?!" Stella exclaimed while eating popcorn.

Sarah stared at her in disbelief.
"Stella, that was just a crazy science fiction movie. Are you seriously going to mix it with reality?" Sarah hissed, "And popcorns? You got to be kidding me. We are not at cinema."

Sarah snatched Stella's popcorn and put them aside as she grabbed some and ate a little.

Stella pouted as she rolled her eyes.

Aunt Zoe just rolled her eyes at Stella's comment.

I glanced back at the screen to see the rest of the video.

One of those henchmen shot the two unconscious scientists to head.

And then one of them dropped a piece of paper on the ground beside the dead bodies of the two scientists.

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