On the run

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Ken's POV

Today was going to be one heck of hard day.

"Darling, you haven't had any breakfast!" mom said worriedly.

I sighed as I grabbed a muffin and a some juice and began to eat my small breakfast on the way.

I had to avoid Jasmine's crap for the whole day.

Before the class began I saw Jasmine in the halls my first instinct was to hide.

I hid inside my locker as she was looking for me.

"Hey Lazy! Where is my Kenny Bear?!" Jasmine said towards Daisy.

I gagged at the nickname.

Daisy scowled, glaring at the liar.

"It's actually Daisy. And I don't know where Ken is," Daisy replied coldly towards her.

Once she was out of the sight I got out my locker as I sighed in relief.

"She's so sus!" Nikki snorted rolling her eyes.

"Thanks for covering up for me," I said awkwardly.

"I have an idea. How about we tell Trey that Jasmine has a crush on him? This way Trey won't leave her alone for one second and to maintain her picture she has to stay with him," Alan suggested.

I grinned. The plan seemed great.

I nodded.

"But how's he gonna believe us?" I asked, "Trey isn't really that easy to convince."

Alan snorted. "Leave that to me. Only a Reardon can convince a Reardon."

We looked at him shocked.

Alan grinned. "My name is Alan Jason Reardon.......I am Trey's cousin."

My jaw was dropped.

And with that Alan walked towards Trey.

"Oh wow! You learn something new everyday," Daisy chuckled.

I chuckled as I went closer to listen to their conversation.

"Hey, Trey! How's everything?" Alan said smiling.

Trey rolled his eyes.

"What is it this time, Alan?" he asked.

Alan shrugged. "What will you do if I tell you a famous girl has a crush on you....I mean you're handsome and rich...who wouldn't want to date

Trey snorted. "Of course this is all true. Now tell me.....who is this girl who wants to date me?"

Alan grinned. "Jasmine."

Trey looked at him in disbelief.

"Jasmine? Jasmine Jones?" he asked to be sure.

Alan nodded. "The on and only!"

Trey grinned happily.
"This is the best day ever!"

And with that Trey ran to find her.

Alan smirked.
"Now you don't have to worry about that Lie-la girl."

I chuckled.
"Thanks, Alan."

But then he looked at me very strictly.
"I swear if you don't confess to Barbie yourself......I'm going to kill you with my sword. Is that understood?"

My eyes were widened in fear as I gulped.

"Didn't you have a crush on Barbie?" I asked being very curious.

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