Training day 1

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Barbie's POV

I was sleeping in my bed when I heard a knock on the door.

"Barbie, get up!"

I groaned.
"Five more minutes," I mumbled.

Right then I felt the cover being pulled off of me.

I grunted as I sat up.

I yawned as I rubbed my eyes.

Right in front of me was my grandfather giving me serious looks.

"About time you woke up, sleeping beauty," grandpa stated sarcastically.

I sighed as I picked up my phone.

"Grandpa, it's barely morning. It's 5 a.m," I said.

Grandpa just rolled his eyes. "It's no big deal. You managed to find the singularity which means you're more capable than what you think. Come on.....get up already!"

With that he grabbed my arm and dragged me out of my bed.

"Wait! I need to get changed. I'm still in my pajamas," I stated.

He nodded.
"Okay.....but don't go back to bed.....because you wouldn't want me to come here to wake you up and hear your lovesick chatters about that blondie kid."

I gasped as I blushed.

"I-it's n-not what you think," I stammered.

Grandpa chuckled as he patted on my shoulder.

"You really are like your mother," he chuckled.

With that he stood up.
"Be ready in fifteen minutes."

I nodded and then grandpa left my room.

"Guess we have a long day today," I sighed to myself as I got up.

Then I changed my clothes and put my hair in the usual ponytail.

Once I was ready I headed out of my room to see my teammates.

"Good morning, Barbie. What do you think your grandfather has in store for us today?" Patricia said.

I shrugged. "To be honest, I really don't know."

"So.....I see all of you are here..... yesterday I managed to see your work as a team," he said, "But now I want to test your fighting skills and combat."

Then he walked down the stairs to a table in the middle of the yard.

"Fighting is one of the most important things a spy must be able to do. There are mainly three styles of fighting, hand to hand combat, fighting with a weapon and creative fighting," he began to explain, "For all three types you must know how every weapon works and how to disarm your opponent."

This was actually very useful for me considering the fact that one day I might have to fight Dunbar on my own.

Last time I tried to hold a fight......that didn't really last long.

"But keep in mind that, even though weapons can be great advantages against your enemies but they can end up being your weakness if you rely on your weapons too much," he explained as he began to examine every single weapon that was laid on the table.

"We all know what hand to hand combat is....but what is creative fighting?" I asked curiously.

He smiled at me. "Good question, Barbie. Creative fighting is mainly for the time when your enemy disarmed this scenario you'll have to use objects around you to form a plan and take down the opponent," he explained, "I suggest you to learn more of it because it can be useful for the time you'll have to face Dunbar."

I nodded in understanding. Knowing how skilled Dunbar was in all of these fields, I had to be prepared for anything.

"In creative fight you must know everything.......everything can be used as a weapon, from rocks, sticks......anything," he continued.

Stella chuckled.
"It's just like Ladybug's lucky charm."

Sarah rolled her eyes at her sister's comment.

"Well.....but before that I must know how well do you work with a weapon," he said as he picked up a sword from the table and glanced at me.

With that he threw the sword at my direction. "Barbie, catch!"

I quickly did a couple of round-offs and did a backflip and grabbed the sword in the air.

Grandpa smirked as he picked up the another sword.

Then he looked at the other side where Cassandra and uncle Alexander were standing.

"Alexander, can you please turn on the timer?" grandpa said and uncle Alexander nodded.

"Okay, let's challenge."

I smiled nervously knowing exactly what he meant.

Well I was going to lose to him either way at least I was going to try.

I prepared my sword and lunged at him.

Grandpa simply deflected my attack and with one push I fell backwards.

I did a quick flip gaining my balance.

Right then I did a jump attacking from above.

But right then grandpa smirked. He grabbed my wrist and snatched my sword out of my hand.

I grunted as I was on the ground.
Grandpa pointed his sword at me.

"Alexander, how long did it take?" grandpa asked.

Uncle Alexander glanced at the timer.

"One minute and thirty five seconds," he replied.

Grandpa shrugged. "That was good to be honest. But there are a few points you must know before getting yourself killed like this," he began, "First, never be the first person to start the attack....this will give your opponent a chance to identify your fighting style and use it against you."

I sighed as I nodded.

"Second, never make hasty moves like the ones you did right can cost you your life. And third, like I said before never be too attached to your weapon as the only way to defend yourself," he continued.

Then he put his sword aside and helped me up.

"Okay, anyone else who wants to challenge?" he deadpanned.
It seemed like he was sure he was going to win.

When no one responded he shrugged.

"Well then.......let's begin the training," he said.

With that he collected some buckets.

I was hella confused. How were we supposed to train with buckets?

"Follow me," he said as he realized our confusion.

I glanced at my friends who shrugged.

We followed grandpa out of the village.

After a long walk he stopped.

Right in front of us was a beautiful and tall mountain.

Right then grandpa filled the buckets with water.

Then he handed each of us two buckets.

"For today all you'll do is mountain hiking.....but with each hand you'll hold one of these buckets," he began to explain, "And if you drop one bit of this water, you'll have to come back, fill them again, and do it all again."

My jaw was dropped. Oh my God! This was going to be so hard.....

A/N: This is going to be one heck of hard training for the girls 😂!

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