Emergency meeting

75 4 21

Barbie's POV


I groaned as I pulled my covers on me.
"Five more minutes," I muttered.
Right then my cover was pulled and I felt cold water being poured on me.

I gasped as I got up. It was Cassandra.


"Sleepyhead, the emergency alarm went off ten minutes ago," she said as she rolled her eyes, "You're lucky I am the one who woke you up not my mom."

I gasped. What did she say? The emergency alarm went off?

I quickly got out of my bed.
The emergency alarm is designed when an absolute urgent case comes up and it needs to be discussed immediately.
The question was why did the emergency alarm went off?

I only had two guesses......either it was about Gama......or worse.....it was about Dunbar.
After I quickly changed my clothes, fixed my hair and ran towards the meeting room.

I rushed inside to see everyone there.
"Glad you decided to wake up, sleeping beauty," Patricia joked as I glared at her.

I sat on the sofa where everyone else was. Right then Ms. Z, my grandfather and uncle Alexander came inside.

"Greetings, everyone. As you all know an emergency came up that we needed to have this meeting. According to our sources, we are sure that Gama is officially activated," uncle Alexander said..
I glanced at my friends. Did this mean we were going to go to another mission? What was it going to be?

"Do we know anything about what they're up to?" Stella asked, "Or did they do anything suspicious?"

Ms. Z nodded.
"To answer your question, yes. CIA managed to track down and record one of their conversations. We believe as they plan on assassinating President Stern."

I choked on my coffee. Freaking what?! They plan on killing the President of United States?
Okay....this was a huge move.

"But how are they going to do this? The White House is one of the places with the highest security," Renee pointed out.

"Not if they have a double-agent. That's the only deduction that can be drawn out of this," grandpa replied as I looked at him in awe.
So a terrorist organization which was destroyed years ago got back again and the first thing they do is to try to kill the president.....but why?

"So we have to find the double-agent and interrogate them about Gama?" Sarah guessed, "But what if it's not Gama....maybe another terrorist organization?"
"We'll find out once we capture the double-agent," Teresa replied.

I glanced at the screen in front of us.
"So we have to get inside the White House and discover who the double-agent is? And if it's me who has to do it, how am I going to do that?" I asked.

Aunt Zoe chuckled. "Actually it's not you who will go there, Barbie. You're already a target to Dunbar. It's way too risky."

I groaned in frustration. I was going to miss all of the fun because of someone who wanted me dead.

"If Barbie can't, then who will?" Patricia asked.

Grandpa shrugged. "All of you are now qualified for this task. You are trained well enough. But we need someone who is really good at stealth, pays attention to every detail and is aware of the surroundings all the time.....and who's better than someone who used to be a thief before?"

Patricia looked at them shocked.
Ms. Z nodded.
"Yes, why not? I also believe that you're the right choice. But since we don't know what sort of threat is out there, I want both Barbie and Cassandra to watch you from distance and take actions if it was necessary."

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