A test run

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Barbie's POV

"So before we begin your trainings I need to know about all of your abilities, stealth, combat and how you work with each other," grandpa said as he handed each of us a suit.

I exhaled deeply as I looked at the black suit in my hands.

"As your first day, you will all go to a simulation mission," he said, "These suits are designed for these simulations. Everything happening in these simulations look real. And if you get injuried, it's going to be painful for a day or two."

We all nodded.

"This seems easy," Stella muttered.

"Okay now go get ready. After the simulation starts your mission is to retrieve a secret file which is in a warehouse near enemy's base," grandpa explained more.

As we were about to go and get changed my grandfather had one last thing to tell us.

"Barbie, can I have a word with you, my dear?" he smiled.

I nodded as I walked with him in another room.

"I know this is all new to you and you might be afraid of what might happen, but I got your back, okay?" he said reassuringly, "And I will never let anyone hurt my family."

Well to be honest everything was scary a little bit.

I took a deep breath.

"And don't worry. You have a very good potential. And you're also a great spy. I did see you in action," he said.

I chuckled dryly.

"You mean you saw how incredibly I messed up two missions in a row?" I said a little bit jokingly.

Grandpa chuckled as he patted on my shoulder.

"It's okay. You are still young. You have a lot to learn, darling. And to be honest, Dunbar is not an easy opponent. In fact I was so surprised that you took him down twice," he replied, "I'd had my suspicions about him for years. He also has a great potential. But I just simply feel sorry for him that he chose to go this way."

I nodded.

"Yeah, I managed to defeat him twice. But the in the second round it nearly caused my life. And now he's after my blood," I chuckled.

Then I looked up to see a serious look on his face.

"Well, he is going to pay for what he did to you. I'm not letting him get away," he said seriously, "Anyways, I just wanted to tell you that I will protect you at all cost, Barbie. I promise."

I smiled.

Then he pulled me in a hug.

I hugged him back.

"Thanks, grandpa," I replied.

"Your welcome, princess," he responded as he kissed my forehead.

"Now go and get ready for the training," he said.

I nodded as I walked towards my room in the house.

I quickly got changed to my new suit.

After I got ready I met up with others out in the yard.

I was a little bit nervous because this was literally my first time doing this.

"Don't worry. You get a hang of this thing."

I turned around to see Cassandra wearing the same black suit.

"Hey, Cass. You want to participate? Mind if I remind you that you were shot in your left shoulder just a few days ago?" I asked.

Barbie: Rise Of Spy SquadWhere stories live. Discover now