Apart from each other

118 7 14

Ken's POV

Today was another day back at school, but Barbie wasn't here.

Everyone thought thought that Barbie was on a very important trip for one month but I knew better than anyone it was just an excuse to cover up the real reason.

Barbie was away from the city to get the training she needed.

Just as I was about to go to my locker to collect my books when I heard everyone murmuring.

Okay, what was going on?

"Hey Trey, what is going on?" I asked rather confused.

Trey rolled his eyes.
"Don't you know?"

I shook my head. What was he talking about?!

"Ugh, there's this new student. She is very famous. Her name is Jasmine Jones. She literally knows every celebrity around. Her mother is a diplomat. So she travels everywhere," Trey explained as he pointed to a brunette girl wearing an orange jacket. Her eyes were also green.

She seemed like a nice girl.

"Oh and I forgot to add that Jasmine knows Queen Amelia. They were best friends since they were kids," Trey added.

Okay, that was pretty strange.

Last time I checked Queen Amelia had a very controled life. Barbie was her first best friend.

I shrugged. I probably was thinking too much.

I decided to head back to my class which we had history class.

I sat on my seat and waited for the teacher when I saw that Jasmine girl sitting next to me.

"Hi," she said in a friendly manner, "I'm Jasmine Jones."

She held her hand to me.

I nodded as I shook her hand.

"I'm Ken Carson," I introduced myself.

"Wow, I know you. You're a great surfur," she chuckled.

I looked at her shocked.

How did she know I'm a surfur?

She chuckled again as she showed me her phone.

There was a page on internet about me?

"You know, you have so many fans and some girls love to date guys like you," she said as she put her hand on my shoulder and got closer to me.

Wait! Was she flirting with me?

"Ummm...thank you," I said as I removed her hand and sat a bit farther, "But I already have my eyes on another girl."

She frowned a bit.

Then she quickly smiled.

"That's wonderful! Are you dating her?" she exclaimed.

"Ummm n-no, I haven't confessed to her yet. I don't know if she feels the same way about me," I responded.

She again put her hand on my shoulder.
"I'm sure she does. But even if she doesn't, there are so many fish in the sea."

Then she winked at me.

Right then our teacher entered the class.

Our today's lesson was about King Philip Duke Roberts.

If there's anyone in the history I know about, it is him......

After all, for one month and half all of had been chased around and faced so much danger in order to find that damn legacy of his.

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