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Barbie's POV

Two weeks went by like this......and saying that I was so exhausted is an understatement......we almost had the same morning routine, get up early, have a quick breakfast, mountain hiking, taking Kung Fu, Judo, Taekwondo and Karate lessons from grandpa..... taking a break and in the middle of it getting surprised attacked by some fighters that we were supposed to defeat and by the end of the day we were too exhausted to do anything at all.

Also there were some days that we had to handle a simulation mission to test our improvements. But things weren't going really as fast as we expected.

It was now midnight.....I was indeed tired but strangely enough I couldn't sleep. Guess I wanted to gain more out of all of this training.

I sighed as I rolled over trying to go to sleep. After three hours I finally could get some sleep.


It was the final battle. It was now or never. We finally had the chance to take Dunbar down once and for all.

"It's such a pity that's it's game over!" Patricia grinned.
Patricia pulled out her gun ready for anything.

I scowled. "Fine! If you want a fight, a fight you'll get!"

I lunged at him trying to dodge his attacks but right then I heard a sound of cry in pain. I turned around to see Patricia was caught and a gun was being held on her head. I looked around to see everyone was caught.

I quickly realized this was all a trap!
Dunbar laughed evilly.

"Since I know that you won't let your friends die......I give you two options. Either they will all die....or you'll perish instead of them," his smirk made me sick to my stomach.

But I knew my choice. As the team leader it was my duty to make sure everyone was going to survive even if I had sacrifice my life.

I inhaled sharply as I looked up at him.

"Barbie! NO!" Cassandra shouted.

"I made my decision. Let them go and then you can do whatever to me," I replied coldly.

Then he took out his gun and loaded it.
I took a step back. He aimed his gun at my chest.
I closed my eyes waiting for the sound of the gunshot and the pain.

But before that I felt someone pushing me out of the way and then I heard the sound of the gunshot. I quickly opened my eyes to see Ken holding me tightly and he was in blood.

"KEN! NO!" I screamed as I felt hot tears rolling down my eyes.

"I-......I'm so-....sorry, Barbie. B-but......I couldn't....let you....g-...get hurt," he struggled out. And then he took his last breath on me. I felt an unbearable pain in my chest..... emotional pain.

His eyes were shut and his chest stopped moving. I lost the love of my life. I couldn't even protect him. I failed him.


I gasped as I jolted up as I gasped for air. My face was all wet and I was shaking from fear.

"It was just a nightmare. I need to go back to sleep," I muttered to myself.

I tried to go back to sleep but everytime I tried to close my eyes I saw Ken lying in my arms in blood.

I couldn't! I just couldn't! I clutched my pillow as I silently sobbed.

After some minutes I finally managed to calm down. Since I couldn't go back to sleep I got up from bed.

I looked in the mirror. I was such a mess. My hair was a mess, my eyes were red and puffy and I seemed so weak.

Barbie: Rise Of Spy SquadWhere stories live. Discover now