Final session

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Barbie's POV

Me and my friends were in the training area waiting for grandpa to give us the last instructions before the simulation mission began.

"So as you all know, this is your last session of training. You surprisingly did well.....but this simulation however will be different from what you experienced so far," he began, "So I suggest you to be ready for anything."

I glanced at my friends as we nodded.
"In this simulation you will have to stop a ring of smuggle and their leader and they are planning on a huge trade today," grandpa explained, "Anyone has any questions?"

Sarah raised her hand.
"Yes, Sarah?" grandpa said as he raised an eyebrow.
"What will happen if any of us get injured during this simulation? Will that make us disqualified? And what will happen after the simulation is completed?"

"As for your first question, no.... getting injured during a mission is something that can happen to anyone no matter how well you do in the field," he explained, "However you shouldn't get yourself killed no matter if it's simulation or not. And as for your second question, after the simulation is over, I'll explain the details on how you all did like every other time.....does that answer your questions?"

Sarah nodded in understanding.
"Yes, sir."

He nodded.
"Good! Anyone else?"

When no one replied he smiled.
"I guess that means you're ready. So let's begin."

And with that he pushed a bottom on the control and right then my surroundings began to change.

After a couple of minutes I could see I was totally in a different place.

At first glance I could realize we were at a beach side.
"Okay, so what's the plan?" Stella asked.

I quickly took out my binoculars and began to observe where we were. Right at the shore was a ship and some packages were getting loaded there.

"Teresa! Scan what they have in those packages," I said.
She nodded as she pulled out her scanner and began to scan everything there.
"In those packages are bombs, guns weapons and everything."

"What's your plan?" Cassandra asked.
"Hmmmm......Our plan is to try and sneak there without getting caught..... there's seven of us against them. So some of us needs to stay behind in case we need backups."

"I think it's best if you stay behind, Barbie. You're the leader and it's better if you don't get caught," Patricia suggested.
I thought about it for a moment.

"I think it's better if Sarah, Stella and Teresa go out there first," Cassandra said.
Stella glanced at others and nodded.

"Oh....and one more thing," I began, "Sarah, for the love of God, don't screw yourself, okay?"
All of us chuckled except for Sarah who pouted.
"Don't waste your energy, Barbie. Sarah will always find a way to screw all of us somehow," Stella teased as Sarah glared daggers at her.

"Hey! I was the one who saved you from Sligo and his oil tank, remember?" Sarah smirked as Stella grimaced at the memory of that night.

I clapped my hands to get their attention.
"Okay, okay! Let's get down on the task."

"But how should we sneak there?" Teresa asked looking around a little bit.
Sarah rolled her eyes. "Obviously we are going to hide in those packages."

"Okay....good luck. And if anything happened let us know through the earpieces," I reminded them.

Sarah's POV

I looked around making sure no one was there yet.
Then me and Stella and Teresa walked towards those packages.
"Quick! Hide!" Teresa hissed.
We quickly got in the packages.

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