1. Welcome Back

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Sonic's P.O.V.


It was the morning we'd travel back to Green Hills Montana, after our crazy Mako adventure. I woke up with a bittersweet feeling. I sure was going to miss our mermaid friends and Mako Island and yet, I couldn't wait to get back home and see Joey, Crystal, Jessica, Zim, Dib, Gaz, Gir, and Sapphire. I was already packed so I headed off to breakfast. "Hey guys, are you ready to go home or what"?! I asked as I sat down at the dining table with the others. "Totally Sonic after all I miss my parents. I can't wait to tell them about the adventure I just went on with you guys"! Marina replied confidently. "Very true Marina, I wish I could be their to see the looks on their faces once you finished telling them everything". I said playfully. "Well you have two hour to say goodbye to all your new friends. So you better go do that". Donut Dad suggested, so I called everyone to meet us at Riki's Café. "So Marina I've wrote a new song since I knew we were going to have to say goodbye to any friends we made on this trip. So what do you think"? I said as I showed it to here. "Oh Sonic it beautiful and perfect! I see where you're going with this, so let's get going". Marina said as she grabbed her Bluetooth microphone. Then me and Shadow, grabbed our band equipment. "We'll be back soon Donut Dad". I said as we headed out the door. "Good luck and Silver, think you can record their performance for us"? Donut Dad asked quickly. "Sure thing Dad"! Silver shouted before catching up with us.

Normal P.O.V.


One hour later they knew the song by heart and the H2o gang arrived. "Hey guys, so you're leaving later today huh"? Lewis asked with a sad smile. "Yep but not to worry we have the perfect way to say sayonara. Ready Sonic and Shadow"? Marina asked already turning on her microphone. "We're definitely ready". Sonic replied. Then they began to play a little song called goodbye.

Play Farewell from iMovie Music

Once the final note was sung, the group cheered with tears in their eyes. "Oh thank you guys that was amazing! We'll miss you so much"! Bella said and they came together for a group hug. "We'll miss you too. I promise to find a way to visit soon, one that doesn't need luggage nor an airplane". Sonic said with tears in his eyes. Finally ended the hug. "Well see you around mermaid club"! Marina said with a wink. This made them giggle in appreciation. Then Sonic, Shadow, Silver, and Marina, waved to them one last time before heading back to Charlotte's house.

Silver's P.O.V.


We hurried to grab our stuff. "Alright we better get going". Dad said and then we headed to Annette's car. 20 minutes later, we were about to go through security checks. "Well thank you Annette and Charlotte for your hospitality. It was great to get to know you". Shadow said happily. "It was no problem. We'll miss you in fact it'll be kind of quiet when your airplane takes off". Charlotte said playfully. Then we waved one more time before heading to security checks.

"Well guys this was quite the adventure am I right"? Sonic asked once we made it to the gate. "No kidding big bro! We'll have to be careful around water from now on, especially on the plane. Just think about it imagine popping a tail in that small seat space". I replied seriously as I shivered at that image. "Good point Silver, but thanks for putting that image in my mind"! Marina said as she rolled her eyes. Finally it was time to board the plane.

Sonic's P.O.V.

When we got inside the plane, it was the same set up as the first one. I sat with Marina. Shadow sat with Silver. And our parents sat together with Annika in Pretzel Mom's arms. Thankfully it was in a way that I could talk to my brothers easily. "So guys what's the first thing you're going to do when we get home, besides unpack and meet up with our friends of course"? I asked eagerly as I realized just how much I missed Green Hills. "Well I will go for a run through the woods". Shadow replied enthusiastically. "Whoa I was thinking the same thing, that and giving a tour to Silver". I said happily. "Wow really thanks Sonic I'd love that tour"! Silver said excitedly. "No problem bro. And I for one can't wait for you to meet the rest of our friends who couldn't make it to that previous face time call". I said confidently as I gave him a thumbs up. Me and Marina just stared out the window for the rest of the flight or if we wanted to save our energy for the excitement of being home for when we get there we are with our friends and families.

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