12. Experiments and Escape

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Normal P.O.V.

Once Robotnik was in the van and the door closed, he turned to Sonic, Shadow, Silver, and Marina. "So do show me what you meant by half merpeole?" Robotnik asked with a curious tone. "Marina would you do the honors?" Sonic asked dramatically. "But of course my love." Marina said as the four sat down. Then Marina used her power to get them wet. That's when their tails appeared. They couldn't help but smile since they loved this new side of themselves.

Robotnik's jaw dropping in fascination. "Incredible! So what other things can you do thanks this form?" Robotnik asked seriously. "Well I can heat things. watch and learn." Sonic said as he began to steam dry their tails off. Then they stood back up. "I can freeze things." Shadow added confidently. "And I can turn liquids into jelly." Silver added last. "So Silver, do demonstrate that power I observed you use in the battle earlier." Robotnik requested.

Silver's P.O.V.

The moment he asked me that, I looked around the van for something to use to demonstrate my psychokinesis with. I then realized this was the opening we needed! So I eventually saw something that would help us. It was a large tube container that was most likely intended for us. I used my psychokinesis to lift it over Robotnik's head. And just as I planned, he was too fascinated to realize what I was doing! Then I dropped it on him, knocking him out!

Marina's P.O.V.

When I saw Silver do that, I understood what he was thinking. "Whoa Silver, you're a genius! Now to turn this van around! I can do this, you guys make sure he stays knocked out!" I said as I went to the front of the van to the control panel. Thank goodness I took that tech class a few years ago. When I saw the controls, I knew the task would be a cake walk. So I got to work! "Stop right there girl!" I heard a voice say behind me. I turned to see Metal Sonic there! "Oh I don't think so Metal creep!" I said as I used my power to get him wet. However he didn't short circuit! "What the? That should've worked! Sonic I'm gonna need you!" I screamed for I just realized how intimidating Metal Sonic was and couldn't stop him.

Sonic's P.O.V.

I immediately ran to help Marina when I heard her call my name. When I saw Metal in front of her my, lighting form sparked up. "Hey stay away from my girlfriend you Metal Faker!" I screamed as I charged at him. Metal Sonic reacted too slowly. So I knocked him down and tried to short circuit him. But it didn't work. "Oh no this robot it too well made! Umm...Marina, keep going with the controls. I'll keep Metal away as best as I can!" I said and punched Metal Sonic towards the back of the van. Then I ran to pin him down. However that didn't work out he DAHSED away from there, heading back to Marina! That's when I realized what Eggman did. "Oh no my quill is it's power source!" I screamed in horror as I hurried over to protect Marina. "I got your back big bro!" I heard Silver say as he ran over too.

Marina's P.O.V.

I heard the racket behind me but I stayed focused on the task at hand and set the truck to return to Green Hills. "Okay where on our way back now guys!" I said in relief as I saw that Silver was holding Metal Sonic in his psychokinesis. Then I thought of another brilliant idea. "Okay this is gonna sound a little crazy but I gonna open the door and Silver throw Metal as far way as you can because I tell you can't hold him forever." I said as I looked for the control to open the door. "I'm with you on that! But let's hurry! Since he's made of Metal and is much larger than the drones, he's extremely heavy, even for me." Silver said right as I found it. "Okay it's opening now." I said as Silver got ready to throw Metal Sonic. "Say goodbye Metal Sonic!" Silver said and threw him as far away as he could I watched carefully and saw a small explosion. "Well done Silver now to keep an eye on Robotnik while enjoying the ride home." Shadow said as I closed the door. However that's when I realized something! So I went over to the controls.

Sonic's P.O.V.

I walked over to Marina in confusion. "Marina, what is it?" I asked as I saw her looking at the controls frantically as if looking for something. "Aha that setting will do the trick after it drops you guys off." Marina said in relief. "Us? But what about you? And what settings?!" I asked in rapid fire. "Whoa calm down Sonic! I know what I'm doing but I need you to trust me. I have to set this van to flee Green Hills and self destruct! So after you guys, including Robotnik, are out of the van I will set it to do so. So Sonic be ready to run after the van to catch me when I'm ready to flee." Marina explained seriously. I was stunned for what felt like forever. "Marina, I....I do trust you but....I can't bare to lose you! It's too risky!" I said hoping I could stop her. "I'll admit that's true since I'll be cutting it close to make sure no one will get hurt from it's explosion by making sure it goes very far away from the town. But I have to do this! With out his drones and now destroyed Meatal Sonic, he's powerless!" Marina said trying to reassure me but I was still scared! "But.....but how can you trust me to get you out of there in time?! I could be too late! Or what if you waited to long and would be too late to even do the final step or it wouldn't be enough time to get you out of the explosion's range?!" I asked shakily, as all the scenarios of what could go wrong played in my head, and they terrified me. "Hey it's going to be okay. Look we're already back in town. As for how, it's because I know you'll succeed in saving me. That's how much I love you Sonic! You'll never lose me. I'll be fine I promise. So are you with me on this?" Marina said as she pulled me into her arms. I couldn't help but allow the tears to flow. "Oh Marina, I love you too! And I'm in!" I said as I hugged her. I was still terrified that I could lose her. She hugged me back and we stayed like that until the van came to a stop.

Normal P.O.V.

When Sonic, Shadow, and Silver, who held a still out cold Robotnik in his psychokinesis, stepped out of the van they saw that they were in front of the house. Silver and Shadow immediately ran inside. Sonic would've gone too but Marina need him more at the moment. Sonic turned to Marina. "Good luck Marina, I'm going to stay in pace with the van." Sonic said as he got into his running stance. Marina nodded firmly and ran back the control panel. First she closed the door, then set the van up for it's destruction. Immediately the van took off at top speed which Marina wasn't completely prepared for, even though she was in Sonic'a arms as he ran multiple times before this. "Whoa! okay I didn't calculate that into this plan!" Marina said as she quickly recovered.

Play you saved me by fractured light music

Suddenly she heard a clicking noise. "Wait what? Oh no no no!" Marina said in a panic as she realized the door was automatically locked due to the self destruct setting! She immediately called Sonic on her communicator. "Sonic we have a problem! The door locked due to the self destruct setting! What do we do?!" Marina said, completely terrified. "Okay stay calm I have a plan. You tell me when to do this. Then I'll get a running start and I'll spin dash the door down. This is all about perfect timing. You are good at that kind of thing, aren't you?" Sonic explained as he too was trying to remain calm. "Yes I am very good at this and I get what you mean by that." Marina replied with a confident smile.

So when they were out of the town, Marina made sure that explosion wouldn't hurt any drivers on the road. Then the countdown for the self destruct started at 2 minutes. "Okay Sonic, do it now! It will go off in 2 minutes!" Marina cried hastily. "On it Marina just hang on!" Sonic said as he went to get his running start. Then he spin dashed into the door, breaking it down. "Okay let's get out of here!" Sonic said as he picked up Marina and ran as fast as he could to avoid the explosion's range. They heard the explosion but thankfully Sonic managed to get far away from it in time. "Thanks Love! You're my hero!" Marina said and kissed Sonic's cheek. "Anything for you Marina! And you truly are a genius! Now let's get back to the others"! Sonic said as he blushed little. Then he ran towards his house.

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