16.  Paradise

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Movie Sonic's P.O.V.

When I made it to the other side of the portal, I was in a beautiful place. "Whoa what is this place?" I asked as I was the last one to come through. "Welcome to Paradise, Wachowski we are completely safe here." Heephis Sonic replied. "Oh thank goodness. I just wanted Annika to be safe. So what's your story anyway?" I asked for now I was really curious. "Well this is something I need to explain to Amy, Knuckles, and Tails too. So let's take a seat." Heephis Sonic replied as we followed him to a sitting area.

Play paradise by Inferno Kit

"Well, five years ago I was forced into a peace treaty by the humans. I couldn't even contact you guys! This was a system where the humans would take a mobian slave and Vice versa. I tried escaping several times! But they made a bullet faster then me! So they shot me where it hurts emotionally the most; my feet! Now I can't run as fast I used to and sometimes, the pain would hit me all at once and I would have to stop in my tracks until they'd numb out again. I stopped when they threatened to kill my friends and my...my Mother." Heephis Sonic started but then stopped to sob. "Oh that's horrible." I said as to try and comfort him. "And about Eggman, he was executed by the humans 4 years ago. So the day I arrived in tooncan was when I was released. Now this is where all this chaos started. I met these two on my way to stop the chaos crisis. Which was caused be Zeilo. He erased Chaos Energy and the emeralds. This is when I realized this is the same monster who killed my father when I was 6!" Heephis Sonic said once he found his voice again.

All of this shook me up and I could tell there was a lot more coming. "Well at least you got to know you're biological parents. I never knew mine. My godmother Longclaw The Owl was the only one I knew from Mobius for the first 3 years. I had to leave when the echidna tribe ambushed us because they wanted my powers. So Longclaw sent me through a ring portal to Earth. After 10 years of complete isolation, I got so overwhelmed by the reality of my isolation that I caused a massive blackout. It caught the attention of the American government. So they sent Robotnik to investigate. And that's the day I met my adoptive Father and that's how my Journey up to now began." I said as I took out my phone and showed them the family photo, that included Marina, I saved to my phone. When I looked up to see their faces, they looked as horrified as I did when hearing Heephis Sonic's story so far. "Wait so you were 13?!" Shadow asked in Shock. "Yep. But it led to so many great things. Like my family, my friends, my girlfriend Marina Melody, and even new powers." I replied reassuringly. "Wait what new powers?" Heephis Sonic asked in excitement. "When I touch water, I become a merhog!" I replied happily. "As in a mobian version of a merman?!" Amy asked with a sparkle in her eyes. "Exactly! shadow, Silver, and Marina have it too. It was the day I met Silver as well!" I said as I fondly remembered that night.

Then Heephis Sonic cleared his throat. "Fascinating Wachowski, but let me finish my story real quick please?" Heephis Sonic said sheepishly. "Oh right, please continue." I said as I scratched the back of my head. "So we had fight you 3 because you were Soulless, I almost drowned, the 3 of us defeated a water monster, and were brought here by...Antoine. That's when we found out that the deceased god Heephis put pieces of his soul into us and we have a resemblance to the gods. So that's where our god powers came from. Zeilo killed the other two, they were his brothers. They all used to be really good until sin came along and tore them apart. We were just recently sent on a mission to collect samples from a pyramid when we were ambushed by Zeilo, he turned my mother into a soulless and baited me into his trap. I lost control and he used my mother as a meat shield with timing so precise that it was unavoidable. I destroyed the soulless symbol on her hand and she turned to ash. She...She's dead.. if only I kept better control of my powers..She would still be alive. That's was what pushed me over the edge and became tainted. I used my connection with Shadow and Silver to use their powers! And Guys, I'm so sorry for that I never wanted to hurt you." Heephis Sonic said with very heavy tears in his eyes. I couldn't believe it. This Zeilo guy was even worse than I realized. "That's when Zeilo took me the place we just escaped from. But how did you two end up in that trouble we found you in?" Heephis Sonic said as he looked at Shadow and Silver. "We came to find you and bring you back." Shadow started. "But then Antoine got in our way and did whatever that was to us." Silver concluded.

Play the truth about the fall by Inferno Kit

"Oh, you were successful I see." A female voice said as We turned to see a blue cat. "Yes we were so, Sol what did you need to tell us once we returned?" Shadow asked. Sol then looked at me with a stare that could kill. "Wait who is this? Who are they?! What is going on?! you were only supposed to bring the son of Heephis back!" Sol demanded harshly. "My name is Sonic Wachowski and I'm from an alternate version of this world. They saved me from Zeilo! And where else could I go that would be safe not just for me but my little sister as well?!" I said defensively as I held Annika closer to me. "Oh I see. Forgive my hostility. But what about them?" Sol asked in a calmer tone. "This is Tails, Knuckles, and Amy. They're my friends who were turned into soulless, but now that they're free, I couldn't leave them there! And they apparently don't have any memory of their time as a soulless." Heephis Sonic explained. "WHAT?!! HOW COULD YOU?!! NOW YOU DOOMED US ALL!! Zeilo could be playing games with you, son of Heephis! How do you know if they truly are no longer Soulless?! They could be spies thanks to the connection Zeilo has with them! Zeilo could come here!!" Sol screamed in complete outrage.

 Heephis Sonic's P.O.V.

I couldn't believe Sol was making these assumptions about my friends who just helped me, Wachowski, Shadow, and Silver escape our personal trap. "No-no! He....he can't come here!" Wachowski said shakily as he slowly backed away, holding Annika closed than ever to his chest. But before I could say anything, he suddenly dashed off!

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