24. Going Home

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Play To Another Frontier - Sonic Frontiers

Movie Shadow's P.O.V.

When we teleported, we arrived at a beautiful place. "Whoa, is this it Marina?" I asked as I looked around. "Yes! You did it Shadow!" Marina said with tears of relief in her eyes. Then we heard something collapse! "Huh?! Silver?!" I cried as I ran over to him. "I'm okay Shadow, just warn out. It took a lot of mental focus, compared to usual, to hold all those monsters back." Silver said sounding out breath. That's when I noticed Annika waking up. "Shady? Silvy?" Annika said in disbelief. "Yes little sis, we're here to bring you home." I said as I kissed her forehead and she started giggle happily.

Play Don't Die on me - Myuu

Marina's P.O.V.

After seeing everyone else was okay, I collapsed onto my knees as looked over Sonic properly, now that we were in very safe place. I felt like breaking down at that moment for he looked terrible and was still unconscious! He looked so much smaller and younger in this state. "Oh Sonic, why did you do that for us?! If I hadn't been chained up at the time, I would've talked you out of it or something! I refuse to lose you! Please open you handsome and adorable eyes!" I said as I lost it! Then we herd footsteps, I looked up to see it was Sol and Blaze. "Thank goodness you're all back safely! You had us going for a second there." Blaze said full of relief. "I wouldn't say that. just look at what that monster did to my boyfriend!" I said with angry tears. I couldn't help it, I had to let my anger out somehow. "Oh right, the poor thing!" Blaze said as she sat next to me. "So how do we get home?" I asked simply, feeling emotionally drained. "Well I would try Chaos Control, but I've never done it to travel to different dimensions before. So much could go wrong." Shadow replied sadly. "Well I think I can do that. Besides, I have been curious about this dimension of yours." Heephis Shadow replied with a smirk on his face. "Well then let's go!" I said as I stood up with Sonic still in my arms. Then I felt Sonic move! I looked down and saw him groaning as his eyes slowly opened. "Ma-Marina?" Sonic said in such a small, quiet, and weak voice. I was so relieved that he was wake but, hearing his voice sound like that made me want to cry all over again! It didn't sound like him at all! The once energetic happy hedgehog, was now in pain and looked so small! "Yes it's me. We're going home now!" I said as I carefully rubbed the back of his ear. Sonic purred very loudly in response. "Real-Really? Oh thank goodness!" Sonic said happily but it was still weak. "Well Heephis Shadow let's do this." I said and he nodded and opened a portal. Then we walked through it.

Play Be My Key - Scouge271

Maddie's P.O.V.

I was  sitting on Sonic's bed worried sick about my kids! Silver and Shadow just suddenly left without even leaving a note or anything! "Maddie!!! You need to see this!!" I heard my husband say and so I came to the living room and I could see a portal appear! Then Shadow and Silver came through, with Annika in Silver's arms! Then....Doubles of my mobian sons with capes and pendants came in. And lastly Marina came in with Sonic, Who was also wearing a cape, in her arms! "Oh my gosh! You're back! I was so worried about you guys!" I said as I hugged Shadow and Silver. Then I walked over to Marina. That's when I saw that he was barely conscious and and had bruises all over him! "Oh my poor Sonic! What happened back in that horrible world?!" I demanded as I was about to take him in my arms.
However, Sonic suddenly jolted, now completely awake. "AAAHHH!!!! It hurts! My body hurts so much!! Please make the pain go away mommy!!!" My poor blue son cried as he streatched his arms toward me. He obviously wanted me to hold him and I immediately obliged. But what broke my heart was that, even the smallest of movement he made caused him to feel even more pain! "Don't worry baby! I'll fix you up! Tom get my first aid kit." I said as I turned to Tom. "On It Mads!" Tom said as he ran to do just that. Then I laid him down carefully on the counter. Then Tom returned with the first aid Kit.

Tom's P.O.V.

When I returned I could feel the heavy tension in the room. So I knew just how to lighten the mood. "So, you're the alternate versions of our sons right? What's up with the capes and pendants?" I asked for I was curious. "Yes. I guess we are. The capes are dress code at the place we live nowadays. Well, since Zeilo destroyed most of Mobius on that level. The pendants amplify the power that is fused with our souls. That being our god powers the deceased god Heephis gave us." Tall Sonic replied. "Whoa I wasn't expecting other worldly gods to be part of any of this! What happened back there?!" I said in shock.

Play Deadly Sorrow - Myuu

Then I saw their ears pin against their heads. "Well we saved him from Zeilo when he first got there. Helped me save my Shadow and Silver. Marina came to make sure him and Annika were safe. Then Zeilo took them captive. Then apparently your sons came but got captured as well. It was for a ransom! He would let them go if Wachowski didn't fight back when he did.....that to him! However, he lied when it came to Annika. But um. Wachowski Shadow and Silver, what exactly was he trying to do?" Tall Sonic explained as he looked at my sons. "Oh yeah, right." Silver said nervously. "He tried to do What Heephis did, to her. But it was his version of it, so she would've became a daughter of darkness or something like that." Shadow replied with anger in his eyes. "But thanks to Heephis Shadow and Silver, we were able get her out of their without Zeilo noticing! So she is perfectly fine." Silver added reassuringly. "Oh thank goodness, but who is Zeilo?" I asked nervously. "He is the only remaining God of our dimension. His brothers Heephis and Celios, were the others ones until sin tore them apart and Zeilo killed them. He's the reason our dimension is an apocalypse!" Tall Sonic said with anger that seemed deeper than what he was allowing himself to show. "Well we better get back before Sol freaks out again!" Tall Shadow said as he made another portal. "Wait! Take
These! So we can keep in touch. We are friends now, right?" Marina said as she held out communicator watches.

Normal P.O.V.

The three hedgehogs took them immediately. "Thank you Marina. Do keep us up dated on his condition, Please?" Heephis Sonic request seriously. "Of course big Sonic. I promise. Good luck with defeating Zeilo!" Marina said as as she waved and along with the Wachowskis. Then the God-like mobians left and the portal vanished.

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