Episode - 5

141 10 8

You opened your eyes adjusting to the light and looked around saw your friends worried around you.

You: Why are you all here??

Weeekly: What do you mean why, we are here because we are worried for you.

You: But you all ignored me.

Ni-Ki: First tell us why didn't you tell us that you can't have over stress cause of your past accident.

Jihan: Did you not see us as your friends??

You: If I didn't see you as your friends then why would I get stress when you ignored me??

Sughoon: Please don't do likt his anymore.

Zoa: We ignored for you birthday surprise only, we were not serious.

Enhypen: We are sorry.

You: Its ok guys, by the how did I come here??

Jiyoon: Jennie and Jk bought you here.

You: Jennie?? Jk??

Souen: Yes they are from BTS.

Jake: Jennie even scolded us for ignoring you.

You: How did she know it.

Monday: Maybe she heard what you said.

You: Ohh, ok can we leave.

All: Yes we can but blind folded.

You: But why??

All: Surprise, we all planned for something but this happened anyway our plan is not out yet(in mind)

You: Ok??

Meanwhile BTS went to their home and where getting ready for club party.

BP: Where are you guys going??

Jin: Did you forget already??

Lisa: About what??

V: That we are going to our club cause they are having some party, as our parents are arranging for Lexi's funeral.

Jisso: Ohh yes we totally forgot, please wait for us, we will go in our favorite car.

BTS: Be fast!

They got ready and left for the part, even their parents tried to stop them but can't.

You: Guys, are we not yet there??

Jungwon: 5 minutes.

You: (sigh) ok

When they arrived at the club which was decorated for her party, as this is her first birthday party after her memory loss.

You: (crying) You guys are amazing, I can't belevie you did these for me, Thank a lot.

You hugged all of them.

Monday: Why are you crying on your birthday, cool ok

Then you all went inside and were enjoying, you all saw BTS & Bp entering the club.

Souen: (to staff) Why are they here?? This is a private party right??

Staff: Mam, they are the owner for this club so they came.

BTS and BP pov

We were all shocked to Y/N and her friends here.

Jk: So it is birthday party for...

Rm: Y/N

BTS: Hey guys.

Weeekly: Umm hey

Bp: Don't need to be awkward, it is just us.

Jin: Happy Birthday Y/N (Giving hands to shake)

You are hesitating to shake.

Suga: Why don't to give your hands for shaking *cold*

Rose: (whispering) Why are so cold??

Suga: She is refusing..

You: No no I am not refusing for the handshake, I just felt bad.

Hope: But why??

You: Because it is not my original birthday.

Jennie: What do you mean??

You: Actually, my friends are celebrating it today is because I can't remember my birthday and today is the that I got accident and went to hospital, as I had no relatives with me orphanage took me in.

BTS: (in mind) What?? She had accident on this day, we had too.

Bp: We have to know more abt her (in mind)

Lisa: Hey it is okay, we are her for you and your friends too

Jimin: From now onwards we are your friends too and family if you like.

You: Thank you guys..(crying)

Jennie: Its ok dear.

Suddenly you hugged Jennie. She was really shocked but returned the hug, she was really happy for that hug, she hadn't had this feeling for long.

You: Thank you Jennie Unnie, for saving me from terrace I would have been died.

Jennie: Its ok dear, it is your luck as I was there.

You hugged Jk too.

You: Thanks oppa for saving me.

Jk: Your welcome Y/N.

Jennie & JK: (thinking)When she called me Unnie/Oppa I felt it were said by Lexi, but she is not her.

BTS: Ok let's ENJOY!!!


So guys here it is!!


See you tmrw in next episode.

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