Episode - 9

102 10 4

So BTS and others were coming to your home, they were all exited to meet your dad, expect one it is jk. He doesn't feel good at all

Jk: I am telling you guys again, what y/n will say to us will not be good.

Jungwon: Ohh comeon hyung nothing will happen.

With that they left to the journey.

Your pov.

You were at entrance waiting for them.

Then you saw them all coming towards you with a smile.

You really felt bad, if that smile will be there if they know hat you are going to say.

You: Come in, wanna eat something??

Souen: No no we can directly go into your room.

You: OK

With that you all left to your room.

You: So first we will play for sometime and then I will say.

Jisso: What no.

You: Unnie please.

Jin: Ok ok dear, but what do you want to play.

You: Never have I ever!!

BTS: Ok let's go.

Then they all took their places and were ready to play.

You: So, I will start. Never have I ever missed someone a lot, you all have to raise hand if you have or else just stay still.

BTS & BP raised their hands with a sad expression.

Ou: Unnie and oppa whom did you all miss.

Rm: We miss our sister so much.

When he said that, you felt a sting in your heart and your head was hurting like hell.

You: AHHH!!

You dad dashed into the room as he was just passing by.

Dad: What happened Y/N??

You: Dad my head... is.. hurting so bad.


You: They—didn't do any-anything..

Dad: Give her tablet Sabri. (as he was with him)

Sabari gave me the tablet and I was ok after that.

Dad: You scared me Y/N.

You: I am ok dad.

Ni-Ki: What just happened.

Dad: She will get head ache when she thinks abt her past, what did you all say to her.

You: Dad they didn't say anything, rm oppa just said that he misses his sister.

Sabari: Then why would it hurt you??

BTS and BP are shock that when rm mentioned abt Lexi why y/n is like that.

BTS and BP are shock that when rm mentioned abt Lexi why y/n is like that

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(Sorry guys I can't add all of them here 😢)

(Sorry guys I can't add all of them here 😢)

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Rm: Sorry Y/N.

You: It is ok oppa, it was not your mistake at all.

Dad: But why did you get head ache because of that.

Sabari: Wait that day you also said you had a dream where you saw some around you playing with you all happily.

Dad: That means are you getting you memory back??

You: maybe dad I am happy. Ok you can go now dad.

With that they left and you all started to play the game again.

Lisa: Me next. Never have I ever wanted to go out of our country for vacation.

All raised their hands, ofcourse who wouldn't

Lisa: Y/N, where do you wanna go??

You: I want to go to India as my dad is from there, soon I will go there.

Monday: Soon what do you mean by that.

You: Nothing, we will continue.

Then you all continued to play the game or more than 1 hour, it was really fun.

Dad: Y/N come here; food is ready.

You: Come on guys we will go!!

Suga: But when will you say it??

You: Soon guys, don't worry.

With that you all left to eat.

So here is the next episode!!!

Stay tuned for the next!!

Leave me comments please!!

Good Night(It is night for me 🥺)

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