Episode - 4

150 10 11

Your pov

In the school you were with your friends, but you felt they were avoiding you.

You: (in mind) do they remember they said that they will celebrate my birthday as I don't have one.

Sunoo: (whispering) We have to ignore her for the rest of they and

Monday: Kidnap her to the club at 12. Am I right?

Sunoo: Yes, you read my mind.

Soojin: But will it not hurt her, we are the only friends for her.

Jay: I think the same.

Sunoo: No, we have to she will not be hurt after our surprise

Zoa: Ok then.

You: They were all talking abt something but I can't hear anything, they talking so that I can't hear.

What happened to them, do they know my secret???

At lunch time

I was packing my stuff's, but they left without me, they would always wait for me at least one of them will wait.

When I went to cafeteria they were all seated, no seat for me.

After seeing them doing this, I didn't have any appetite to eat anymore so I went to the terrace.

You: I really hate being ignored, I don't have my past memories I don't have a family, no mom no dad no brothers and sisters.

I had those friends but they are ignoring me, what did I do to deserve these.

As you were really stressed, you fainted.

(As you had accident in past it is important for you to not get stressed.)

??? pov

I was here at terrace because I was really missing my sis.

???: I really miss you Lexi, where are you??

As I was thinking, I heard someone crying and saying something.

???: It is Y/N

Y/N: I really hate being ignored, I don't have my past memories I don't have a family, no mom no dad no brothers and sisters.

I had those friends but they are ignoring me, what did I do to deserve these.

After she said these I really felt sad, I didn't know why but I wanted to hug her and say I am there, when I was thinking she fainted.

???: Hey wake up, aish I can't carry her, let me call jk

On call.

(A/N – Guys I don't their aga difference so I am just using their names, please don't mind)

Jk: What is it Jennie??

Jennie: Come fast to the terrace.

Jk: What happened?

Jennie: Just come!!

Jk: Ok ok on the way.

Hung up the call.

Jk: Jennie, where are you??

Jennie: Here.

Jk: Did you beat y/n??

Jennie: No I didn't she fainted come and lift her.

Jk: ok ok

We went to the first aid room in school and placed her on bed.

Doctor: What happened??

Jennie: She fainted.

Doctor: Let me check.

Then he checked her.

Doctor: Nothing serious, she is just stressed. I guess she recently had an accident so she should not stress this much.

Jk: (in mind) Accident??

Jennie: Accident, I don't know. Let me call her friends.

After I called them, they all came running.

Jahee: What happened to y/n??

Jennie: Why did you all ignore her??(glaring)

Jihan: It was just a surprise for her birthday.

Jennie: She got stressed over that and fainted.

Jk: Do you know that she had a accident in the past.

Heesung: Yes, she had said it one time.

Jungwon: But not fully, so we don't know.

Jennie: Just take care of her, don't think of ignoring her in future, I am warning you all

ENHYPEN & Weeekly: Yes

They all went to see her we made our way out.

Jk: Why did you warn them??

Jennie: I myself don't know, but I felt something stinging in my heart when she was crying.

Jk: I understand it. We have to gather some information abt her though.

Jennie: Yes, we should.

With that they left.

Sorry if that was short.

I really was blank when writing this episode.

Help me with some ideas!!

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