Episode - 8

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So, for this past week has ben great for you and your friends and unnie's/oppa's have kept their word to keep it a secret(surgery), they are following it.

(In cafeteria)

You: Thanks guys, you all keeping them as secret means a lot to me.

Jisso: No problem dear, it was not intentional right, so okay.

Jennie: Y/N. are you hiding anything from us more that this??

You felt a little bit surprised, she has been asking this same question for past week and has been cold towards.

You: Unnie, no there is nothing.

Jennie: If there is something I will not forgive you.

You really felt terrible, you want them to know it but you are afraid and also the time for you to tell them is becoming less.

You: No unnie, I will tell you all soon. I- no no I meant there is nothing I am hiding.

Souen: So, you are really hiding something Y/N.

You: No, I am going to the class it is already time.

BTS: Wait, we are coming.

BTS: Wait, we are coming

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You: No thanks oppa.

Jin: She is angry on us, but she is hiding something.

Sunoo: Jennie unnie how do you know that.

Jennie: We were all with her that day, to show her korea right. That time I heard Sabari and Y/N talking something.

Monday: Maybe we can also act cold to her, but not so cold as she will be stressed and it will not be good for her.

Everyone: Ok 👍

Time skip to one month (sorry it is a lot of time)

So, for the past month your friends had been cold to you, like they will only answer for what you ask and will be silent for the rest. Only one of them will talk per time.

You: Guys, what happened to you all, did I do something wrong where are my old friends??

Jhope: You didn't do anything wrong, but you hiding something from us we want to know what it is.

You: (sigh) Ok I will tell you all, but you have to promise me that you all will return back normal not being cold ok?

Everyone: OK

You: I will tell you all in my home again

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You: I will tell you all in my home again.

Their pov.

We are all happy that she agreed to tell us.

Jk: Guys, why do I feel like YN will leave us.

Rose: What nonsense, just come we will all go.

With that they left the school and got ready to come to the orphanage.

Your pov

I was really nervous as a hell; I don't want them to know.

I don't want to be separated but I have to as I promised dad.

Dad: Y/N, leave it I will take care of that, you be with your friends.

You: No dad a promise is promise I have to, that to you are here for your medical health orelse you would be the one going right??

Dad: Yes dear.

You: Don't worry dad, nothing will happen.

Dad: You are so nervous and telling me to calm down.

You: Dad...

Sorry guys I know this is short, so I will upload the new episode really fast.

I just have my classes and as this is the last year of my school, I can't control both I am trying to do it.

Hope you guys understand and please vote and comment for me💜

I love you all so much, I will try to post the next episode tomorrow.

Give me some ideas please for a onsehot, if you want :)

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