Episode 11

104 6 2

???: Hello my friends how are you all long time no see...

{A/N - I didn't have a cop photo of him :( }

{A/N - I didn't have a cop photo of him :( }

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Jin: I am good Taemin-shi how are you??

Taemin: I am good Jin-shi.

Rm: Thnks for coming here.

Taemin: It is no problem so what do you want me for??

Suga explained all the things to Taemin. Taemin was also sad because you was a good sister to him.

Taemin: Glad that I can help in this case, so you want the information of her from this hospital ok.

With that Taemin left inside we all waited fro him outside.

Taemin pov.

Receptionist: May I help you sir??

I showed her my cop license and

Taemin: Can you please provide me with the information of the girl who was admitted on October 9 last year.

Her: Sir, may I ask why you need that.

Taemin: It is for a missing case.

Her: Ok sir wait for few minutes I will get it

Taemin: Make it fast.

After few minutes she came with the files that I asked for.

Her: Here sir what you asked for.

Taemin: Thanks.

With that I left

BTS pov

We saw him coming with files.

Taemin: Here Jin-shi the files you asked for, I have some work so I am leaving if you need anything again call me.

Jin hugged him.

Jin: This really means a lot to us. Thanks.

We all also said thanks to him, He then left.

Jin pov.

I was reading the file that he gave, it says Mr.Min was doctor for her so next we have to go to him.

Jin: Guys, next we have to ask Mr.Min about her.

They: Let's go.

Your pov.

As BTS where not there it was little bit boring for you but it was okay as you have your unnies and your friends.

You were all eating lunch.

Rose: So, Y/N when are you leaving to India??

You: Unnie in two months.

Jennie: Ohh I see so have you started you packing.

You: What is there to pack just clothes that's it.

Lisa: What are you saying you are gonna stay in a new place for 1 year or more there, you are new there so you would have lot to pack.

You: I am going with Sabari so there will be no problem in it, he will take care.

Heeseung: What he is coming with you??

You: Yes, dad only said that we both have to go, as I can't go alone it is not safe.

Sunoo: Ohh ok ok

BTS pov

We went into the hospital again.

Receptionist: You all again I already said-

Jin: We are not here for that information.

Suga: We are here for the consultation with Mr.Min.

Her: Ohh your good luck he is free now, or else he would be busy always.

Rm: Where can we see him??

You: Second floor, you will see his board, you go upstairs I will inform him.

They left for upstairs.

V: Doctor (knock knock)

Mr.Min: Come in.

We all went inside.

He: Welcome oh these many patients??

Jin: No doctor we are here as patients we are here in search of our sister.

He: Hmm sit.

We all sat in the chairs.

Jin: Here is the file doctor.

He was going through the file for 5 minutes.

He: Ohh this girl I know I know we did plastic surgery too.

When he said that, we remembered Y/N, but don't know why.

Jin: Yes doctor, we think that she maybe our sister.

He: Why so??

Suga: Doctor, actually last year we were all going to a family trip and had an accident and was admitted in hospital but we didn't had our sister with us, our mom and dad thought she was dead as she was no were to be foung.

Jk: But we didn't accept that and came in search of her.

He: Where were you all admitted??

Jhope: In the hospital that is on the opposite direction.

He: Ohh there ok, but why your sister was not with you.

Jimin: That's what we don't know so we looked here and found that some girl was admitted here on the same day that too by accident.

He: So you guess it was her.

Jin: Maybe doctor.

Rm: So, we have come here to ask that do you have any of her belonging like necklace or bracelet so we can identify her.

Doctor: Sadly no...

So I am here with the next...

Tell me in comment how was it please

No one is commenting I feel like I am not doing a good work maybe.

Should I stop??

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