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James looked up to his teacher.
'Yes?' He asked.
'For the last time, pay attention!' His teacher called.
'I was paying attention.' James lied.
'Then you should be able to tell me the main cause of the first world war.' His teacher said.
'Uh...' James muttered, very well aware of the fact that the entire class was staring at him.
'Just as I thought.' His teacher said. He grabbed the comic James was drawing from his desk and walked back to the front of the class.
'You get this back when class is over.' He said.
James just nodded. He grabbed his pen to take notes again, staring at the whiteboard. While the world wars were the more interesting topics in history class, he was still very bored. Suddenly his friend sitting next to him tapped him on the shoulder before giving him a piece of paper.
'It was really funny. Make sure the teach doesn't steal it.' He whispered. James looked at the piece of paper. It was one of his own comics. He had finished it in their previous class and had given it to his friend when history started. It wasn't uncommon for James's comics to go around the classroom during class. Everyone preferred reading them over listening to their teacher going on about some random topic. The blonde quickly put his comic away and waited for the bell to signal the end of class. It seemed to take forever, but eventually the day was over. James packed his stuff and walked back over to the teachers desk as all his friends and classmates left.
'Can I have my comic back, sir? I was hoping to finish it this evening.' James asked.
'Here you go.' His teacher replied as he gave the blonde the piece of paper.
'Thank you...' James muttered as he took his comic and was about to leave.
'Hold on, we're not done here.' The teacher called. James sighed. He wasn't in the mood to get a pep talk from his teacher.
'Sometimes I wonder how you're still passing your classes when you never seem to pay attention.' His teacher sighed.
'If I'm still passing, than it shouldn't be a problem, right?' James tried.
'It wouldn't be as much of a problem, if you didn't disturb classes with it. Yes, I know you've been passing around your comics during class. You're distracting the other students from learning.'
'Oh, well. I promise I won't pass them around anymore. Can I go now?'
'James, don't even try. Do you really think teachers don't talk to each other. I know this isn't the first time you get called out for it and I know you won't stop it.'
'It's not my fault, sir. Everytime I stop, they all get mad at me.'
'But you understand it's a problem? It's just comics, they can live without them or they can read them at recess. We're tired of it, James. I can't just let you go and get away with it again.'
'What do you mean?'
'I mean that you'll be staying in detention today.'
'But, sir! It's Friday!'
'I know and I would love to spend my time differently too, but hopefully you'll learn from it. Now sit back down. You're the only student in detention today so we might as well do it in this classroom. And no comics!'

It had been about an hour. James was staring at the whiteboard, reading the notes from class that were on it for the twelfth time. At first he'd been doodling, but his teacher didn't like that. It was too similar to drawing comics apparently. His teacher had suggested he'd read a book or something to pass the time, but James didn't like reading. He didn't have any of his homework on him, so he'd decided to read the notes on the whiteboard since he wasn't paying attention to them in class. But now he started to read them for the thirteenth time. He was pretty sure he could almost say them out loud from memory by now, but he was bored and had nothing better to do.
'I won't keep you here for too long. It's been an hour, you can go. I hope you learned something from it. Next time we catch you passing around comics during class, you'll stay longer.' His teacher said eventually, breaking the silence.
James nodded and grabbed his stuff before leaving the classroom.

The blonde walked down the street alone. It was starting to get dark and there was no one around. It made James feel nervous, but the silence also felt like a moment of peace in a chaotic schoolday. He noticed a white van come from behind a corner. He didn't pay much attention to it until it stopped next to him. The blonde started to feel nervous and sped up, walking past the van.
'Wait, can you help me please, boy?' The driver from the van called from his window.
'What do you need?' James asked, being careful to keep a good distance from the driver.
'Directions. Do you know where the train station is? My phone battery died so I can't use google maps.' The driver said. James hesitated for a moment.
'I don't know the exact directions to the train station, but I can google it for you.' He replied as he took out his phone and opened maps. He walked closer to the driver that got out of his car.
'I think I have a pen and paper in the back, give me second, I can write it down.' He said. James nervously followed the driver to the back of the van, but still kept a distance. Maybe it was all the movies he'd seen, but he didn't really trust the situation. The driver crawled into the back of the van and came back with a pencil and a notebook. He stood next to James as he copied the directions on the phone's screen.
'Thank you very much, boy.' The driver said as he tore the page from the notebook and crawled back into the back of the van to put the pencil and notebook away.
'No problem.' James smiled as he pocketed his phone again.
The man just got back out of the van to go to the drivers seat as the blonde turned around to leave.
Suddenly James felt how the driver grabbed him. He tried to scream, but the man put a damp cloth over the blonde's nose and mouth, making it hard to breath. James immediately felt lightheaded as he tried to get away. The cloth smelled weird and it only made the blonde's head spin more and more until everything turned black.

James woke up feeling cold. Probably because he'd been laying on a stone floor.
'He's awake!' A voice near him called.
'He woke up faster than you did.' Another voice said.
James looked up. He seemed to be in some sort of basement. The room was square and made out of cold stone. A single lightbulb on the ceiling illuminated the entire room. There were stairs leading to the floor above, which made it feel even more like a basement. The room was empty, aside from a boy sitting to James's right, a girl sitting in front of him and James himself. The boy looked like the type of person that would stand out wherever he went. He was bald and had a piercing in his eyebrow. He wore a colorful shirt and a bright yellow beanie. The girl, on the other hand, almost looked like she tried to grab as little attention as possible. She had dark hair and wore a purple shirt.
'Hi.' The boy said as he noticed James looking around.
'Hi.' James replied in a slight panick.
'I'm Rush. Who are you?' The boy asked.
'I'm jaiden.' The girl said.
James nodded. He tried to organize his thoughts. He tried to figure out what just happened.
'Where am I? What happened? What's gonna happen to me now? Why am I here?' He asked panicky.
'Calm down, dude. I wished we could give you those answers, but we can't.' Rush said.
'All we know is that the guy that brought us here is armed with a gun and that everytime he brings someone, they're unconscious for a couple hours. Or maybe like twenty minutes because honestly, I have no sense of time here.' Jaiden explained.
'We have to get out of here.' James said urgently as he got up from the cold floor.
'No shit, sherlock. You believe we didn't think about that? There's no way out. We tried everything. The door is stuck and we can't get it open and everytime that guy comes in, he threatens us with a gun. Getting out isn't that useful when it's in a body bag.' Rush said.
'So there's nothing we can do?' James asked, tears forming in his eyes as he slid down against the wall until he sat on the cold floor again.
'We can wait. That's all we can do. Sooner or later we'll learn what this guy wants from us.' Jaiden said, sounding surprisingly calm.
James wiped away the tears in his eyes. He was scared. What was gonna happen? What could he do? A sudden sound startled the three. They all looked up at the stairs to see the doorknob moving. Whoever was keeping them here, they were coming in.

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