Worth a shot

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James yawned as he leaned back against a big tree.
'Any idea how much longer our shift is?' Adam asked as he leaned back against the same tree as James.
'No clue, but I'm pretty sure we still got a couple hours.' Zalinki replied.
'Yeah, we haven't been out that long yet.' Chris added.
'I really wished I had a watch or something.' Adam complained.
For a moment the group was silent.
'I think that maybe we should split up.' Zalinki said eventually.
'You're right. If Wolfkins shows up, he won't like us sitting in a group.' Adam replied.
'Alright. Zalinki and I will be going a little closer to the trenches, you two stay here.' Chris said before he and Zalinki walked away.
For a moment it was silent.
'Hey James...' Adam whispered.
'You're really awesome, you know that?'
James felt how a blush fought its way up his cheeks.
'T-thank you... you're really awesome too, Adam.' He replied.
Adam turned to James, his eyes as beautiful as always and his smile making the blonde melt.
'I'm glad we can spend time together like this.' He smiled.
'Me too.' The blonde replied.
Adam took a step, standing in front of the blonde. James was trapped between Adam and the tree. His heart rate spiked when he realized how close the other boy was. Adam placed his hand on James's cheek, before he carefully pulled off James's helmet. James didn't say anything. He seemed to have suddenly forgotten how to speak. Adam took of his own helmet. His hair was messy underneath, which only made him even cuter.
'I love every moment we get to be together, you know.' Adam said, leaning a little closer to the blonde. James's gaze was set on the other boys eyes, drowning in them. Adam's eyes darted down to James's lips for just a second. They were getting closer. James felt more excitement than he'd ever felt before as they got closer, their lips about to touch.

James startled awake from his dream, sitting up too quickly and hitting his head against the bed above him.
'You okay?' Adam asked as he leaned over the side of his bed to check on the blonde.
'I'm fine.' James replied, rubbing his head and avoiding Adam's eyes. What was that all about? That dream?
James absently put on his uniform and followed the crowd to the cafeteria. In his mind, his dream kept replaying. It was so weird. What was that all about? What would've happened if he didn't wake up? A shiver went down the blonde's spine, but he didn't know exactly what caused it. Fear? Nervousness? Excitement? No ofcourse it wasn't excitement! Why would he want such a thing with Adam? It was just a weird dream, that's all.
'You okay?' Adam asked.
James looked up, avoiding the other boy's eyes. Why did he feel like he had to avoid them?
'What?' He muttered.
'Are you okay? You're really quiet and absent.' Adam said.
'I'm fine, I was just thinking of... home.' James lied.
'Yeah... home...' Adam muttered as he looked down at the ground.

They'd been out on the battlefield for a couple hours now, guarding a part of the forrest. James yawned as he leaned back against a big tree.
'Any idea how much longer our shift is?' Adam asked as he leaned back against the same tree as James.
'No clue, but I'm pretty sure we still got a couple hours.' Jaiden replied.
'Yeah, we haven't been out that long yet.' Rush added.
'I really wished I had a watch or something.' Adam complained.
For a moment the group was silent.
'I think that maybe we should split up.' Rush said eventually.
'You're right. If Wolfkins shows up, he won't like us sitting in a group.' Adam replied.
'Alright. Rush and I will be going a little closer to the trenches, you two stay here.' Jaiden said before she and Rush walked away.
For a moment it was silent.
James felt nervousness flutter through his stomach. This was scaringly similar to how his dream went.
'Hey James...' Adam whispered.
'Yeah?' James croaked tensely.
'You're really awesome, you know that?'
James felt how a blush fought its way up his cheeks.
His mind went into overdrive.
'Uh, yeah, cool, thanks.' James awkwardly murmured as he turned away from the other boy.
'Is something wrong? You've been acting weird all morning.'
'I don't know what you're talking about.'
Adam walked over to the blond putting his hands on the blonds cheeks, turning his head to see if anything was physically wrong before he stared into the blonde's eyes, worry overtaking him.
'James, tell me. What's the problem? I wanna help.' He said.
'Leave me alone!' James snapped as he pushed Adam away.
'Nothing's wrong! What's your problem? Just leave me alone!' James turned around and ran. Adam called his name, but he didn't turn back. As quickly as his anger had appeared, it faded again. Why had he done that? Why had he snapped at Adam? He cared about Adam!
Shame and regret came over him.
'I should go apologize...' he said to himself, yet he didn't move. He felt embarrassed. What if he messed up forever? What if Adam was mad at him? What if they'd never be friends again? James fell to his knees as his anxious thoughts overtook him, his tears falling onto the wet leaves.

Adam stared in the direction James had run off too. He was so confused. What had just happened. Why was James mad at him? Did he do something wrong? Must be, otherwise the blonde wouldn't react like that.
'No, no, no, no!' Adam muttered. Did he really mess up that bad? What if he couldn't make it up to James? Would he lose the blonde? Just the thought of losing James scared the living crap out of Adam. But why? What was so special about James? Why did the blonde make him both worry so much and feel happy and comfortable? Why did he lose himself in James's eyes? 
Adam shook his head. He should go look for James.

As Adam walked between the trees, he suddenly realised it would be quite the task to find the blonde. The forrest was enormous and you can't just call out for somebody in the middle of a warzone. Would James be okay on his own? Adam shook his head and decided to take a break. He sat down next to a tree and closed his eyes, focussing on his hearing to warn him for danger. He heard the leaves rustling in the wind. The birds were chirping and somewhere nearby was a little river he could hear. Adam took a deep breat. He could smell the fallen leaves and the rain. It was calm, peaceful even. If you didn't know you were im a warzone, you wouldn't be able to guess it. Despite the peace, Adam's thoughts couldn't let go of James. He wondered why. Adam slowly opened his eyes, suddenly hyper focused on his surroundings. He'd heard rustling in a nearby bush. Carefully he pulled out his gun and approached the sound. He didn't know what he was gonna do when he found someone. Both he and his friends still hadn't had the heart to actually shoot somebody. Maybe he could try to explain the situation. Wolfkins wasn't here and maybe it could be the beginning of their escape. Adam slowly raised his gun higher as he approached the bush. Did the guy know he was there. Adam jumped to the other side of the bush, ready to fight or flee.
'Hands up!' He called, only to be met by a rabit. Adam sighed and lowered his weapon as the tension left his body.
'You certainly scared me there, little guy.' He said as he kneeled down and looked at the rabit.
The rabit just looked back silently.
'I wished I had some food i could give you, but I don't have anything.' Adam explained.
The rabit tilted his head to the side a bit.
'I should give you a name... what about... Bon?'
The rabit hopped a little closer to Adam, looking at him with curiosity.
'Well, hi Bon. I'm Adam. How are you today? Looking for food for your family?'
Bon looked at Adam almost as if he was confused.
'Take care of your family, Bon. Before you know it... they're gone.'
Adam felt his eyes getting wet, but he refused to cry.
'Sometimes you find a new family though!' He said, forcing himself to think of happier thoughts.
'Like Rush and Jaiden and James! Oh, Bon, what do I do with James? He's a very normal person but for some reason he's just the biggest mystery to me.'
Bon hopped a little to the side.
'You're right, Bon. I should go look for him!' Adam smiled as he got up. A bang echoed between the trees, putting Adam on edge. He pulled his gun and glanced down. Bon lay dead on the ground. Shot by a bullet that was most definitely meant for him.
A quick glance at his surroundings made Adam notice a man with gun behind a tree.
'Hey, you!' Adam yelled, aiming his gun at the leave covered floor before shooting. He didn't want to kill. He just couldn't do that. The man startled, giving Adam the time to tackle him to the ground. Adam had done wrestling in school, which made him confident about his abilities, but there was just one thing he forgot. He was a kidnapped teenager going against a trained soldier.
Soon the man had pinned Adam to the ground, aiming his gun at the dark haired boy's face. James flashed through Adam's head as he stared at what was definitely his death. The man grinned and mumbled something in a language the dark haired  boy didn't understand. Adam closed his eyes, scared of what was to come before he heard the sound of a gun shot.

"Am I dead?" Adam thought. Carefully he opened his eyes. The forrest greeted him. He got up, shaking and nervous, and looked around. The first thing he saw was the man. Laying next to him on the ground, a bullet wound in his head. The next thing he saw was James, with a raised gun. Adam couldn't believe his eyes. James had actually killed somebody.

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