Would you fight for your life?

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'ADAM!' James screamed. He climed back to his feet and ran toward the source of the explosion.
'ADAM!' He screamed. 'ADAAAAM!'
His vision was blurry with tears. This couldn't be true. This couldn't be happening. Not his Adam.
Suddenly the blonde froze. He noticed a body laying in the mud. A body that wasn't moving. A very familiar body.
'ADAM!' He screamed, running up to the dark haired boy. As soon as he got close though, James froze again, shocked by what he saw. There were burns all over Adam's body. His clothes were torn and the left side of his face was covered in blood. Blood was slowly spreading all over Adam's clothes. James started to feel weak. He felt how someone behind him caught him as his knees gave out and then gently sat him down on the ground. It was Jaiden. Rush was standing beside her, seemingly frozen by shock.
Jaiden rushed up to Adam, quickly checking his heartbeat before giving a sigh of relief.
'We gotta bring him to the hospital!' She called to Rush and James as she picked Adam up in her arms.
James and Rush could only stare.
'Get your ass up here and help me or he'll die!' Jaiden yelled. James immediately jumped up. He didn't know what to do though. He didn't dare to look at his boyfriend's face again, so instead he carefully took Adam's hand.
'This is not the moment to be cute, James! You gotta put pressure on his wounds to make him bleed out less fast!' Jaiden called. James immediately tore the sleeve off his jacket and tightly bandaged up a wound on the dark haired boys arm. The blonde tore off his other sleeve and used it to apply pressure to the bloody mess on Adam's face. James turned his face away. He didn't want to see Adam like this. James feared it would spiral him down into a panick attack. Rush had taken off his own jacket and tightly wrapped it around Adam's bleeding torso. Jaiden started to run as quickly as she could while carrying the dark haired boy. James ran next to her, carefully holding his boyfriend's head steady, tears running down his face.

James, Jaiden and Rush all sat in front of the door to the hospital. James was crying, Rush was stuck in some silent shock and Jaiden was rubbing James's back, hoping to bring him any type of comfort as she was desperately trying to keep it together.
A nurse walked over to them.
'Is he gonna be okay?' Jaiden asked as soon as she saw her.
'We don't know. We're doing everything we can, but he's in a really bad place. I really don't know whether or not he'll make it.' The nurse replied. James whimpered and buried his face in Jaidens shoulder. Jaiden and Rush could only stare.
'Wolfkins told me to send the three of you back to the front line, but I promise I'll come find you and give you an update as soon as there's any news.'

A month passed... then another... The nurse never showed up to tell them anything. Jaiden had suggested that maybe he was in a coma and there just wasn't any news to give, but nobody really believed it. If he was gonna be okay, the nurse would tell them. James remembered her from his own time in the hospital. She was a lovely person, unlike all the assholes that kept them here. If there was any news that would make them feel better, she'd come and tell them. But because she didn't, they all feared the worst.
'Maybe she doesn't have the heart to tell us he died.' Rush had said. Jaiden had shushed him, but James could imagine the sweet lady avoiding to hurt their feelings.

James snapped out of his thoughts.
'This really isn't a great place to daydream.' Jaiden said.
They were hiding behind a hill, their opponents ready to fire as soon as any part of them was visible. If they were to stand up, hundreds of bullets would rain down on them.
'What's the point?' Rush mumbled.
'What?' Jaiden asked.
'What's the point?' Rush repeated, louder this time. 'Let him daydream. Whatever place he drifts off to, it's probably better than being here.'
'But not being focused might get him killed!' Jaiden retaliated.
'So?' Rush replied. 'Can't you two see it!? We've been here for months. MONTHS! We don't even remember how many months, it's been so many! It's been a fucking lot of months! Nothing has gotten better! No chances to escape have passed! And nobody is coming to save us! If police had any leads, they would have found us by now! But no! We're still here, laying in mud, praying our deaths won't be painful as one by one every single one of our friends dies!'
'Don't say that!' Jaiden screamed!
'Why not? Can't handle the truth?' Rush yelled. 'Face it, Jaiden! We're all going to die here! First Zalinki, then Chris, now Adam! Everyone is dying and sooner or later it's our turn! We're nothing but Wolfkins's puppets!'
'No, we gotta keep hope, Rush!' Jaiden called.
'Adam would want us to.' James muttered. It was the first thing he'd said in the discussion.
'Open your eyes! Adam is dead! There is no hope! We are not going to escape and nobody is coming to find us! And personally I'd rather die quickly from a bullet through my head than die slow and painful like Chris and Adam!' Rush shouted. He dropped his weapon to the ground and crawled up, running up the hill into the line of fire.
'RUSH!' Jaiden screamed. James could only watch. Rush ran up the hill, only making it a couple steps before a wall of bullets rained down on him. He sank through his knees and fell to the ground. It was obvious to everyone that he was dead.

'He... he killed himself...' Jaiden whispered in shock. James could only stare as blood pooled around Rush's body. His brain was slow to catch up on what had happened. Rush... he was gone... just like Chris... and Zalinki... and Adam... James remembered Adam's injuries. The blonde felt foolish to have ever believed his boyfriend would make it. But was Rush right? It certainly was a good question. Was it really worth it to keep going without Adam?
James crawled up to his hands and knees.
'What are you doing?' Jaiden asked, suddenly alarmed. James didn't reply. Jaiden grabbed his arm.
'What are you doing?' She repeated.
'Rush is right...' the blonde whispered.
'NO, JAMES, HE ISN'T!' Jaiden had switched to full panic mode, pulling James down as hard as she could. The blonde boy never took his eyes off of Rush.
'We're losing... one by one... and without Adam...' The words started to get stuck in his throat as he teared up. Adam... his sweet, sweet Adam...
'But I can't stay here... not anymore...'
'Please James... think of the younger kids. They have hope... they believe things will change and they look up to you because you and Adam were always the ones to comfort them. With Adam gone, they need you... they need you to keep their hope... and I need you to keep mine...'
Tears streamed over Jaiden's cheeks. Despite all of this, Jaiden had always been the strongest. But now, as she was about the lose her last friend, she just seemed to lose it. She tried to say more, but whatever sound came out, it didn't sound like words.
James was quiet. He thought of every time he and Adam had comforted the younger ones. Every time they had cried into his chest and he had held them while Adam rubbed their backs and spoke words of hope. It had felt right to comfort them together. It had always felt like it was their job, or duty, or mission or something. Like they were supposed to help these younger children together. But now with Adam gone...
No! Adam would never want that. Someone had to keep their mission going. For Adam. James didn't feel like he was in any position to take away the hope from these kids, not after all the time Adam and him had spend to give it to them in the first place.
'You're right.' The blonde said.
'What?' Jaiden asked in surprise.
'You're right... I have to stay here... for Adam...' the blonde muttered. Jaiden let out a sigh of relief before she pulled James into a hug.
'James, I'm so, so sorry about Adam.'
The blonde couldn't answer. His throat was closed up. He just stared at the ground as he patted Jaiden's back.

Adam slowly opened his eyes. His mind was fuzzy and he couldn't remember what was going on. He felt like his mind and body were way too calm for the situation, but he didn't even know what the situation was. From what he could tell, he was in a dark room, laying on a comfortable bed. His head was pounding and his whole body ached. Some places burned, some stung and some throbbed. What happened? He attempted to ignore his headache and tried to remember. What happened before he got here? Slowly, very slowly, his mind started to clear up. A loud sound... an explosion? Pain... so much pain... everywhere... and then... a scream... someone screamed his name... James... it was James's voice. Is he okay? He's probably worried. Adam had to go. He had to find James. The dark haired boy quickly tried to get up, only to let out a pained scream before falling back into his pillows. He heard a door open and close again, followed by hurried footsteps.
'Are you awake?' A kind voice asked.
'Yeah...' Adam groaned.
'Oh thank God. I was seriously worried because you just wouldn't wake up. I'm so relieved. Let me quickly take your vitals and see how you're doing.' The kind voice said.
'You can do that later! I need to find James!' Adam tried to get up, slower this time, but the stinging pain forced him back down again.
'Calm down, sweetheart, your ribs are broken. Don't worry about James, okay. He's safe... or at least as safe as he can be in this place.'
'Please... I need to see him.'
'I'm afraid that's not possible... you have a concussion and you have to stay in the dark.'
'Please...' Adam searched through the darkness and found the nurse's hand, grabbing it desperately.
'At least let me hear him... talk to him... please, I'm begging you...'
The nurse took a long time before she finally answered.
'I'll see what I can do.'

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