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Warning: slurs, homophobia

Adam and James walked back towards the sleeping hall. When they entered, they noticed the atmosphere was different than usual. It was relaxed and calm.
'The shower seemed to have done well for everyone.' Adam smiled.
'But not as good as for us.' James smirked before giving the other boy a quick kiss on the cheek. Adam chuckled as they walked back towards their bunk bed. Rush and Jaiden were talking together, sitting on the top bunk of their bed, so Adam and James climbed onto Adam's bed to join the conversation.
'So what are we talking about?' Adam asked.
'The swamp.' Rush replied.
'We were wondering what they are gonna do. Like, it's territory that needs to be defended, but they can't keep sending us there if it'll make everyone sick.' Jaiden added.
'But if it makes you sick, our opponent also can't go through it, right?' James asked.
'True, but we don't know a lot about our opponent. Maybe they don't know it'll make them sick.' Rush replied.
'Or maybe they have special suits that'll protect them or something.' Adam added.
'Or maybe they... hey, James? What's that on your neck?' Jaiden asked.
James's face turned red and he pulled up his shirt a little to hide his neck.
'N-nothing.' He stuttered.
'Oh, hell no!' Jaiden laughed as she leaned forward and pulled James's shirt down, exposing a mark on his neck.
'Is that a hickey?' Rush asked.
James and Adam both blushed as they looked down at the ground in embarrassment.
'So what happened in the shower after we left?' Jaiden asked with a smirk.
'Nothing! Leave us alone!' Adam called panick flickering in his eyes.
'Hey, it's okay dude, we're just teasing.' Rush muttered, trying to calm the other boys.
'Yeah, if you two like each other, that's really not a problem. I think it's kinda cute.' Jaiden added.
'Why do you think we like ech other?' James asked.
Jaiden and Rush shared a meaningful look.
'Alright, how did you know we like each other?' James rephrased his question.
'Do you know how the two of you look at each other? I'm surprised the entire sleeping hall doesn't know already.' Jaiden giggled.
'But neither of you mind that we're gay?' Adam asked cautiously.
'Of course we don't mind! There's nothing wrong with being gay.' Rush said.

Over the next couple days, the news that Adam and James were dating spread through not only their own sleeping hall, but the entire facility. Every single one of the kids shared the opinion of Rush and Jaiden, making it easier for the young couple to openly love each other. It's not like they were making out the entire time or anything, but they could lean their heads on each others shoulders while sitting and hold hands while walking.

One night Adam woke up to some weird sounds and his bed shaking. When he looked up, he saw a dark figure, struggling with what had to be James. Adam was about to jump up and do something about it, when someone placed a hand over his mouth and pulled him backwards out of his bed, making him fall of the top bunk and hit the floor hard. Despite his pain, he immediately jumped back to his feet. The only thought in his head was that he had to protect James from whatever was going on. Immediately Adam was grabbed by a strong pair of arms and a hand was placed over his mouth again. He tried to struggle, but wasn't strong enough to break loose. Adam felt how he was being dragged towards the door and into the hallway. Unlike the sleeping hall, the hallway was brightly lit, despite it being night. Adam saw how another big and strong dude was pulling James with him. Since they were out in the hallway now, the men let go of James and Adam. The two boys quickly crawled towards each other, making sure the other was okay.
'Officer Wolfkins wants to speak with the two of you. We just had to make sure you didn't wake the others in your sleeping hall. Now follow me!' One of the men said.
'What does Wolfkins want from us?' Adam asked cautiously as he tried to protectively stand in front of James.
'We don't know, nor do we care! Now hurry up, or we'll drag you there.'
The two boys nervously followed, scared to even talk to each other. They knew where Wolfkins's office was, despite never being called there before. The men knocked on the door before opening it and pushing the scared boys inside. The room was dimly lit with a desk in the middle and two chairs in front of it. Behind the desk sat Wolfkins.
'Sit down, boys.' Wolfkins said, his facial expression unreadable. Adam and James nervously sat down.
'Why are we here?' Adam asked after an uncomfortable silence.
'Well it has come to my attention that the two of you are dating... you're a couple... a gay couple... I just wanna have a talk with the two of you to make sure nothing... sinful happens...' Wolfkins started.
Adam and James exchanged a nervous look before looking back at Wolfkins as he continued.
'Do you know what happens when two boys love each other?' He asked.
'No.' Adam muttered in an attempt to cover up what had already happened.
'Well...' Wolfkins started. 'When two boys love each other very much... they give each other little kisses and snuggles... and they'll go to the bedroom and take of their clothes.... AND THEN THEY SHIT ON THE BIBLE!'
Wolfkins screamed as he kicked his chair back, scaring the two boys.
'Do you even realize what you're doing? GOD MADE YOU AND THIS IS HOW YOU REPAY HIM!? BY SHITTING ON ALL HE STANDS FOR!?'
'Sir, doesn't god love everyone for who they are?' Adam tried.
Wolfkins took a deep breath and seemed to recollect himself.
'I'm here to help you two get rid of your sinful thoughts.' He said in a much calmer voice as he sat back down.
Adam nervously glanced at James, only to see the blonde with tears in his eyes.
'So let's start at the very beginning. Why do you think you are gay?' Wolfkins asked.
'Actually I'm pan...' Adam muttered.
'Answer the question, faggot!' Wolfkins called, making the dark haired boy flinch.
'I'm gay because... because I love Adam.' James whispered. It was the first thing he'd said since they entered the office.
'Same... I love James.' Adam muttered.
'And why do you fags think you love each other?'
James was the first one to answer.
'Because when I'm with Adam... I forget all my pain. I feel happy and I feel safe. There are butterflies in my stomach by just thinking of him. I've never loved anyone like that before.' The blonde blushed as he said it. It warmed Adam's heart to hear it.
'You know what I think, princess? I think you haven't been in love before. It's okay to be a late bloomer. But this isn't love. As a boy, you cannot love a boy. This is the devil, trying to seduce you with impure thoughts.' Wolfkins explained.
'Bullshit!' Adam called.
'What was that?' Wolfkins asked threateningly.
'I said that that's bullshit! I've been in one of your precious straight relationships before! I know what it's like to be in love! And that's what I feel for James! At least James didn't cheat on me! Where was the lord then to protect my heart? Where was he when you dragged us out to this hell?' Adam called.
'How dare you talk about God that way!? I'm trying to help you here, but those who don't want to listen, cannot be helped! Get these fags out of my office, it's dirty enough without them!' Wolfkins called.
Two muscular men burst into the office, each grabbing on of the boys by their arm and dragging them outside.

Adam and James half expected them to bring them to the cafeteria for breakfast, but that soon proved to be lost hope. The men dragged them down the stairs and into a hallway that was unknown to them. They were thrown into a small and dark room. The two men tied their hands behind their backs and left the two boys in complete darkness.
'A-Adam?' James stuttered.
'I'm here James.' Adam replied.
'Here, try to follow my voice.'
'Adam I'm scared. What are they gonna do to us?'
'I don't know... I'm scared too, James.'
Finally they found each other in the dark.
'Can you untie me?' Adam asked as he turned his back to James.
'No, I can't see the knots.' James replied. He tried pulling and pushing and messing with the ropes as much as he could, but he couldn't get them loose.
Suddenly the door opened, blinding the boys. The men were back.
'It's time for a little show.' One of the men growled before they grabbed the boys again and dragged them with them.

Author's note:
First of all, don't mind me stealing a joke from Bo Burnham.
Secondly, if any of you share Wolfkins's opinion, then get the fuck off of my account. Also, why are you reading this?

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