The plan

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James followed the nurse as they hurried through the hallway. He didn't know what was going on. She had just randomly shown up and grabbed his arm, dragging him with her. When he had tried to ask her what was happening, she shushed him. Eventually they reached the hospital. The nurse quickly pulled James inside and closed the door behind them. Inside it was pitch black.
'Why is it so dark?' James muttered.
'He has a concussion. For his own wellbeing, he can't be in the light. Don't worry, your eyes will adjust soon.' The nurse replied as she took James's arm again and began leading him through the dark.
'Wait, who has a concussion?' James asked.
'Adam.' She replied. James froze.
'Adam...' he whispered in disbelief. 'I thought he was dead...'
'No. He only just woke up though. Wolfkins doesn't like you guys visiting each other because... well he doesn't like you. That's why I tried to get you here quickly and quietly.' The nurse explained. James wasn't listening properly. Adam was alive. HE WAS ALIVE! Tears of joy started rolling down his cheeks.
'Can you bring me to him?' The blonde asked.
The nurse smiled although James couldn't see it in the dark. She gently took James's hand and led him to the other side of the big room. James's eyes started to adjust a little and he could make out a bed with someone in it and a bunch of medical equipment around it.
'Adam?' The blonde whispered.
'James, is that you?' Adam's voice asked from the darkness.
'You're alive!' James squealed as he tried to rush to the bed to pull his boyfriend into an embrace. Before he could do that though, the nurse grabbed his arm and pulled him back.
'He's very injured still. Please be careful with him.' She reminded the blonde.
James nodded, barely visible in the dark. He kneeled down next to Adam and gave him a careful kiss on the forehead.
'I'm so glad to see you're okay.' Adam sighed.
'You are glad that I am okay? What about yourself, mister! We all thought you were dead!' James hissed.
Adam let out a chuckle, followed by a groan.
'I guess that's fair. How long has it been?' He asked.
'A little over two months...'
Adam was quiet.
'At least I didn't have to be at the front line for two months.' Adam joked, but nobody laughed.
Adam searched through the dark to find James's hand. Once he found it, he held it carefully.
'I'm sorry I made you guys so worried.' He whispered.
'It's okay... It wasn't your fault.' James chuckled, lifting Adam's hand up to his face to give it a little kiss.
'Jaiden and Rush are probably gonna wanna visit too once they hear I'm alive. Can they do that?' Adam asked the nurse.
'If it's not too frequent. I already told you Wolfkins doesn't like it.' The nurse replied.
When Adam shifted his attention back to James, he could feel something was different. There suddenly was an odd tension and he had no idea where it came from.
'James, what's wrong?' He asked. James shuffled around a bit before clearing his throat.
'About Jaiden and Rush... actually, just about Rush, he... uh... he...' the blonde started.
'He what?' Adam asked, a nervous chill going down his spine.
'He... uh... he purposely got himself killed.' James muttered.

A couple more months passed before Adam fully recovered. He had some scars, but miraculously he wasn't gonna end up with lasting health issues. In the meantime, more and more kids died. They had been fusing teams together when they got too small, and currently there were only two teams left. Team red and team blue. Ever since he had gotten back, Adam had been acting weird. He was spending a lot more time alone, both during their off time and while they were at the front line. James was worried about him, but Adam kept telling the blonde everything was okay and Jaiden couldn't get any more information out of him either. But that all changed one night.

The lights in the sleeping hall weren't off yet, but it wouldn't take much longer as the kids were getting themselves ready for bed. Adam climbed in his bunk and took a deep breath. It was time. He stood up on the wobbly bed, holding the wall for balance and cleared his throat trying to get everyone's attention.
'Hey, guys... uh, I got something pretty important to say so can you all listen up.' He called. It wasn't hard to get everyone's attention as they came closer and crowded together around Adam's bed.
'So, I've been working pretty hard recently and I managed to establish a connection with our opponents without Wolfkins finding out. I told them what happened and they've been communicating with their leaders and those have spread the word to their leaders and so on to try and get a good understanding of what's happening. It turns out these guys are in fact part of the US military, but they never got the permission to do this. They abused their access to resources to set this whole thing up, with the plan of secretly trying to get a military win for the country. If we win, they'll get praise and pride. If we lose, they plan to never let anyone know what happened here.'
Angry whispers spread throughout the crowd. It seemed like it was their own military that had betrayed them. The people that were supposed to keep them safe. Adam cleared his throat loudly to get the attention back on himself before he continued.
'The case is currently hidden to the public as they are afraid these guys will hear about it and do something to us. Instead they are silently planning a rescue mission. There isn't that much they can do though. They don't know where the bunker is and it's either we escape while at the front line, or team blue escapes while at the front line. But we wanna get everyone out. So we're all gonna have to work together to get out of the bunker at the same time. They will be waiting for us in the open field to the north in three days. But don't worry about getting out of the bunker. I have a plan.'

The nervous tensions raised high the next couple of days. Team red did whatever they could to inform team blue of their plan, but they couldn't see each other mush to discuss details. In the meantime Adam carefully mapped out where he could see cameras and what their blind spots would be. Three days turned to two days, then two days turned to one and then, it was time.

Team red was waiting by the sleeping hall door. They had managed to sabotage the lock, but they waited until they believed most of their captors to be asleep. Eventually Adam got up and easily got everyone's attention.
'Tonight we rise! It's time!' He whispered. He carefully pulled open the door and he, James, Jaiden and some of the other kids immediately jumped the guard outside. Grabbing his gun and using it to knock him unconscious before he could ring an alarm.
'Follow me and be careful. I got a path outside of the camera's view, but you're gonna wanna be very close to the walls if you wanna remain outside of their view.' Adam commanded in a loud whisper. They snuck out of the sleeping hall, following the familiar hallway to the stairs, pressing themselves against the walls and sometimes crossing to the other side of the hall when they came into the territory of a new camera. Eventually they reached the stairs and went up them. Stopping before turning into the hallway on the next floor.
'You guys go forward to the weaponry. Grab whatever weapon and armor you can find and run for the bunker gate after that. James, Jaiden and I are going to go get team blue. We can't sneak into their hallway, because they still have a guard on front of their door. But we have a gun. The shot will be loud and will allert the others. You guys take the gun to shoot the guard at the weaponry. We go get team blue. But once they hear our shot, all hell will break lose, so prepare to run. Any questions?' Adam explained. A little boy nearby raised his hand and Adam pointed at him, indicating he could speak.
'I haven't actually really... killed anyone yet... I don't know if I can do that.' The boy whimpered.
Adam was silent for a bit.
'I haven't either. But this is different than shooting a random opponent on the battle field. These guys brought us here, did this to us, got so many of us killed. I don't want to murder anyone... but it's the only way to get out of here. We don't really have a choice. It's like they said when we got here... it's either kill, or be killed.' The boy took a deep breath and nodded. Adam looked around for any more questions, but there were none. He snuck up the stairs and aimed the gun at the guard down the hall. Seems like his target practice at the training grounds was gonna be useful after all. He took a deep breath... and pulled the trigger. The shot rang through the building and the guard down the hall fell to the ground.
'Take this and go to the weaponry! Go go go go go!' Adam called, throwing the gun to the group as he, James and Jaiden took off down the hallway. They were halfway when a loud siren started ringing through the building, everything being illuminated by big red warning lights. Their captors knew they were out. Adam, James and Jaiden reached the guard, quickly pulling the keys from him and opening he door to the sleeping hall. Team blue was ready and waiting for them.
'Go to the weaponry, grab a gun, run for the exit and shoot whatever is trying to shoot you!' Adam commanded. He didn't have to say it twice as the kids rushed out of the sleeping hall and down the hallway.
'Now it's time to get out of here!' Adam muttered as he grabbed the gun off the dead guard and followed team blue towards the weaponry.

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