The final battle

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By the time they reached the weaponry, most of team red was already gone. They could hear the chaos and the gunshots down the hallway. It was absolute chaos as they tried and grab the most decent weapons before getting out of there, but just outside of the weaponry, they froze. Right outside the weaponry, there was a big open area they had to cross before they would have to go through a couple of hallways and reach the exit gate. However, the open area was looked down upon by a couple of balconies from offices and hallways on higher floors. These balconies were covered in military. Running through the open space left you vulnerable. The area was already covered with corpses. Both kids and their captors.
'Best shot is running and blindly shooting up at the balconies hoping to hit something I think.' Jaiden said.
'Sound like a terrible idea, but I don't know anything better so we should go for it.' Adam muttered.
'Wait!' James called before pulling Jaiden into a hug.
'Just in case this goes wrong.' He said as he let go of Jaiden and pulled Adam into an embrace before giving him a slightly rushed kiss.
'We have a better chance of surviving the more kids are out there so we better not wait until they're all gone. If one of us gets shot, don't come back for them. That would be a suicide mission.' Jaiden called.
'This entire thing is a suicide mission!' James pointed out.
'Exactly, so let's get it over with and try to have as little people die as possible!' Jaiden replied before running out into the open area, charging for the hallways at the end while shooting at the balconies at random. Adam and James quickly shared a look before running off as well.
Inside the weaponry had been chaotic, but it was nothing compared to this. Everyone was screaming. Everyone was crying. Bullets were flying everywhere around you. Adam almost tripped as he felt a bullet dig into his forearm, but he kept running. The hallway at the end of the open area was coming closer and closer. Adam grabbed James's hand and gave him a reassuring squeeze. They could see Jaiden just a couple feet ahead of them. They were gonna make it. They were gonna make it! They were gonna make it! They were gonna make it! They were gonna ma-...
James and Adam both watched in horror as they saw Jaiden fall to the floor just a couple feet before them. They tried to stop, but almost slipped in the blood that covered to open area. Everything seemed to slow down and all the chaos disappeared. It was just them... and Jaiden, laying on the blood soaked floor, not moving. James screamed her name, trying to run up to her, but Adam grabbed the blonde by the arm and pulled him away.
'We can't stay, we have to go!' He yelled. Suddenly James felt a sharp pain in his elbow as bullet dug into it. Suddenly everything came back. The people, the screaming, the shooting, the chaos. Adam was right. If they continued the stand here, they would die. He looked at Jaiden one last time before turning around and running, Adam quickly following. Tears were blurring their vision as they just ran and ran, finally making it to the cover of the hallway.

The hallway was filled with more corpses. More of their captors than the kids luckily. In the hallway, they had a much more even chance. Most of the kids seemed to have passed through here already and it seemed pretty deserted now, every now and then a kid making it through the open area and running past them.
'We can't stand here. Eventually they'll come down to get us.' James said as he tugged on Adam's hand. Tha dark haired boy shook his head, trying to clear it up in the moment.
'Come on.' He muttered as he and James started running down the hall. And then another hall and then another. The exit gate was in sight. It was open. Their freedom was withing reach. Suddenly Adam slipped to a stop.
'What's wrong?' James asked. Adam was staring down a hallway to their right. He didn't say anything, but he slowly turned to walk down the hallway.
'Adam? Where are you going, we're so close to being free!' James called. He ran up to Adam grabbing his hand, but let him go and backed away as soon as he saw the other boys face. He was mad. No, not just mad, livid.
'Come out, coward! It's too late to hide!' Adam called before he shot his gun at the ground. The bullet shattered the tile floor, the sound loud and echoing through the empty hallway. Almost empty at least. At the end of the hallway, there was a chest. Jame knew it had emergency supplies in case this part of the building would collapse. They were close to the surface and in an active war zone.
Adam slowly approached the chest. Setting his foot against it and shoving it to the side. Behind the chest, cowering on the ground, was Wolfkins. His leg seemed to be broken. He had no weapons, no strength, no authority. He looked up at Adam with fearful eyes as the boy towered over him with a gun pointed at Wolfkins's face.
'Ah, mister Ortiz... you don't happen to know anything about helping with a broken leg?' Wolfkins laughed nervously. Adam didn't laugh.
'Please don't kill me! I'm begging you! I swear I will change my way! I promise!' James watched from a distance as the man cried and begged for his life. The blonde didn't feel pity, only disgust.
Adam slowly lowered himself to be at the same eye level as Wolfkins. The military man's rambling and pleas grew quiet as he trembled. For a moment his fearful eyes stared into Adam's hateful ones. A couple seconds passed. Then Adam raised his fist and pushed Wolfkins in the face as hard as he could.
'You kidnap me! You kill my friends! You torture me and my friends! You traumatize all of us! You treat us in the most inhumane ways possible! And then you have the guts to try and beg for your life!?!?!' Adam screamed. Wolfkins rolled up in a little ball, whimpering as he moved his broken leg.
'How dare you! You're worth less than the rats that spread the plague! Oh how much more beautiful the world is without you in it!' Adam yelled.
'Please...' Wolfkins whimpered.
Adam stared at him for a couple seconds. Then he turned his gun around and smashed it againt Wolfkins's skull. The man didn't move.
'Is he dead?' James asked.
'No, just unconscious.' Adam replied.
'Why... why didn't you kill him?'
'The US military, the ones that save us, not these fuckers, they'll find him. He took everything from us... I wanna watch as everything gets taken from him.' Adam hissed.
For a moment they stood there, staring at Wolfkins's unconscious body. The sudden sounds of gunshots not too far away brought them back to earth.
'We gotta go!' James called as he grabbed Adam's arm and ran for the exit.

They ran and ran, as fast as they could. The open gates coming closer with every step. Finally, they passed through them. The fresh morning air hitting their faces. The forest smelled like rain and birds were chirping nearby. Nobody was around them.
'They're waiting for us in the field.' Adam said as he pointed to the north. Through the trees, you could only barely make out the open field. The quickly made their way through the trees, reaching the field with ease. The field was bathing in the light of the rising sun that was visible just above the trees at the edge of the field. The other kids were there. Or at least the ones that made it out.
'Over there!' One of them called, pointing at something in the distance. When they looked, they saw helicopters. A massive amount of helicopters. People started screaming and waving their arms like lunatics to try and get their attention, as if this specific field wasn't the meetup place they had agreed on.
'We made it.' James whispered, a couple tears rolling down his cheek.
'We made it.' Adam said as he pulled the blonde close. The helicopters soon landed, military personnel running up to the kids. First they took care of injuries that kids had. More than a couple had been hit with bullets. But there was only so much the medics could do in this field and they soon started leading kids to the helicopters to take them away.
'Are you Adam?' An unfamiliar voice asked. The boy turned around to see one of the rescuers. She seemed to be the one in command.
'Yeah. Adam Ortiz. Nice to meet you.' Adam replied reaching out a hand for her too shake, only realizing too late it was covered with blood that had dripped down from his wound. The Lady didn't seem to care though.
'Maria Brown. Good to meet you too. You saved a lot of lives, young man.' She said with a smile as she shook his bloody hand.
'Not as much as I could have.' Adam muttered, thinking of all the corpses he saw on his way out and all the kids that died in the war.
'You did what you could. It sure is better than having you all die here in secret.' Maria smiled.
'What will happen now?' James asked.
'Well, we will take you guys to a base and from there on we will give you guys medical care and figure out who everyone is and where everyone is from so you can all go home to your families.' Maria explained.
'And them?' Adam asked, waving his hand in the direction of the bunker, which was very visible now that the gate was wide open.
'Those guys are getting arrested and will have to beg for forgiveness in court.'
Adam nodded. Part of him couldn't quite believe what had just happened. Were they really free?
'Anyway, it's time to go now. You guys coming? Unless you rather stay.' Maria asked.
The boys chuckled and followed her to a helicopter and got in.
'I'm exhausted.' James said as he cuddled close to Adam and let his head rest on his boyfriend's shoulder.
Adam felt the same. Only now that the adrenaline started to fade away did he truly realise just how tired he was. He smiled as he gave James a little kiss on his head. The blonde smiled and closed his eyes, falling asleep quickly, despite the loud noise coming from the helicopter as it took off.
Adam looked out the window and saw their rescuers enter the bunker. Their captors were gonna get what they deserve. Adam closed his eyes. They were safe. They were finally safe. And they were going home. They were finally going home.

The end

Author's note:
Thank you guys so much for all the patience, I really appreciate it. I really hoped you enjoyed the story. I might write more stories in the future, but I think I'm gonna write the whole thing first and then release it with the 1 chapter a week schedule I once had (Easier times back then). This is to prevent you guys from having to wait ages between chapters. That does mean however that it will take a long time before the first chapters of my next story will be uploaded. I'm already working on a next story, but I could also see myself writing a sequel to this one where they're back home and dealing with the consequences of everything that happened. Let me know if that's something you wanna see.
I once again thank you for your patience and I also thank you for your support.
I hope to see you again in a next story in the not near future.
Love, Hoodie ❤❤❤

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