He finally confessed to you , but it's too late

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You : "I still don't know why we are doing this on a week night instead of the weekends."

I complained to my best friend, Taehyung, as brought popcorn and drinks to the living room. He was busy choosing which movie to watch.

You : "And I have work tomorrow... unlike some people."

I sarcastically emphasized, knowing well that he now works with his father at their family owned company.

Taehyung: "How many times do I have to tell you that I work with my dad. Work."

He explained with much annoyance. Of course I knew that he works too. It's just that I envy him that he had the flexibility to come in late to the office since he's practically the boss.

You : "But still, you're the boss."

I mumbled under my breath as I popped myself onto the couch.

Taehyung : "What?"
You : "Nothing. We still could've just done this on the weekends like we normally would do, you know."

Taehyung : "I'll be out of town this weekend, remember?"

He gave me an annoyed look. I actually forgot about that so I just gave out a nervous apologetic laugh .

Taehyung's POV

I had to convince y/n to have a movie night today since tomorrow is actually our 10th year anniversary together of being best friends . It wouldn't be that much of a fuss if we were just friends. It was really important to me because I feel like it's finally the best time to come clean about my feelings towards her. It was no doubt that I had fallen in love with her.

Ever since we had started becoming friends, she was always kind and supportive. She was indeed, something else. She had been there for me through thick and thin. I'm not entirely sure about her feelings towards me though, but by the way she had been treating me as compared to other guys, it was definitely different. Yeah, this might sound a bit creepy, but I had observed every single action of hers to finally be able to convince myself to make this bold move.

I feel like I have to take my chances anyways, thinking that we're both already in our mid 20s. I have already prepared a proper confession speech in mind. I mean, the worst thing that could happen is getting rejected, which I hope won't happen.


You : "What movie have you chosen?"
Taehyung : "The Proposal,"
You : "Seriously?"

I rolled my eyes.

You : "Why can't you choose something even more boring?"

I sighed with a sarcastic tone.

Taehyung : "Y/n! This movie is not boring! It's a Sandra Bullock movie!"

He exclaimed, trying to prove his point. I really wanted to laugh at his adorable action but I held it back.

You : "Well, you're just lucky that Ryan Reynolds is the hero."

He got up and went to switch off the lights. I was already snuggling under my blanket. Taehyung then joined me on the couch. I handed him an extra blanket since I don't have a big one enough for the both of us to share.

We'd normally share one when we have movie nights at his place.He then sat beside me and pulled me closer to him, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. My head was resting on his chest, listening to his calming heartbeat, as my hand was hugging his torso. This had already been a normal for us.

Taehyung's POV

I couldn't actually focus on the movie. I don't feel like I should have to since l've already seen it five times. I think I should just confess now. I felt my hands were starting to get clammy from sweat. My heartbeat had started to increase all of a sudden.

'Here goes,' I thought.

Taehyung : "Y/n...?"

She hummed as a reply.

Taehyung: "I know this is not really the best timing for me to tell you this..."

I said but my eyes were still glued to the tv screen as I tried to recall my long ass peech.

Taehyung : " I like you, y/n,"

I finally confessed.

Taehyung: "No, I actually love you. I have fallen in love with you for the longest time already, I love that you've always been there for me.Supporting me. You have never judged me and looked down at me, when other people had, I love the way you smile at me, the way you laugh even though you make that weird annoying sound when you do. You have made me the happiest when l'm with you, I mean, I just want to put it out there. And I truly understand if you don't feel the same way though,"

I stated but this time it came out almost like a whisper. I've waited for her response but I wasn't getting any. I frowned.

Taehyung : "Y/N?"

I asked but I couldn't dare to look at her.Still no answer. I gathered up some courage and turned my head towards her.

Taehyung : "Y-..."

Guess I was too late.

*She fell asleep.*


She said all of a sudden while snapping her eyes open. Which made me jump a little, almost falling backwards. She let out the most adorable giggle.

You : "I love you too, Taehyungie!"

She exclaimed and pulled me into a kiss. Her hands snaked around my neck as I shifted my hands to hold her firmly around her waist.

You : "What took you so long!"

She groaned after we had broken off the kiss and I chuckled at her remarks.

Taehyung : "I wasn't sure that you'll like me back."

You : " I don't like you Tae,"

She said which made me frown.

You : "I love you!"

She kissed me on my lips again which made me smile into it. 10 years was long enough to make us both feel needy for each other. Our innocent kiss was turning into a heated makeout session. My body was already hovering on top of hers.

You : "So, are we still watching the movie?"

Her question made me stop pause from going further.

Taehyung : "Better idea... Let's make the movie watch us,"

I wiggled my eyebrows at her which made her pinched my waist playfully and made me laugh.

'Pervert' she pinched my waist some more.

Taehyung : "Wait!"

Her eyes were wide looking at me. Our eyes werelocked onto each others'.

Taehyung : "Will you be my girlfriend?"

I popped the question.

You : "Duh!"

She replied and grabbed me by my neck and pressed her lips onto mine once again.

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