When he's forced to kill you

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[Him as your mafia boyfriend]

Slowly opening the folded paper handed over to him. Taehyung let out a small Yelp. He's not able to get rid of the heavy feeling in his stomach. His pulse dropped down, Everything was dizzy for him.

"Kill her." A loud voice demanded, giving
Taehyung a death stare. There was rage in his eyes, looking at Taehyung disgustingly.

Taehyung : "W-what...do you mean sir?"

He whimpered, tears fell down his cheeks as he tried to hold back his cries making his throat hurt. He was in disbelief.

?? : "I said kill her, didn't you see the
picture Mr. Kim? She's in the basement right now. I want her dead."
Taehyung : "But w-what d-did she even...do sir?"
?? : "Just do as told, or I'l kill her myseif. I'll make her suffer more. Choice is yours."

His hands were trembling holding your photo. He started to stutter but only feeble weeps came out of his mouth. Every part of his body was held on pause while his thoughts caught up.

"Is there any problem Mr. Kim? I won't
hesitate to kill you either."

Clenching his gun as tightly as he can he gathered up the courage and started to walk down the stairs. He knew he couldn't question Kang-dae, the gang leader. It's a rule to always do as he says.

You met Taehyung 2 years ago, you were Kang-Dae's daughter. He, although was your father, still treated you harshly. You were starved and expected to get rid of rotting corpses. While Taehyung was his right hand, anything Kang-dae ever demanded he had to do it. No questions.

Taehyung was responsible for doing all the dirty work for him, killing, stealing, black-mailing. Because he knew very well that if he ever went against his words, he could be one of those people who were on the other end of his gun. Killing many innocent lives, guilt started to eat him up.

He hated every single thing about his job. He hated his life, he hated having to do all these things because he feared for his life.

Being a part of the mafia, he used to spend all his time with Kang-dae, in his house. Thať's when you met him. Dating him was off limits, you knew if someone found out, he'd be dead. But that didn't stop him from wanting you more. You both used to promise each other about leaving this place behind and starting a new life
all together.

You gave him the hope he wanted and he gave you the care you needed.

Taehyung reached the basement. He grunted as he tried to open the rusty basement door.

Taehyung : "Y/n..who did this to you...."

He yelled, looking at your state.

You were hit brutally with a metal stick, blood trickled down from your forehead and your eyes were swollen. Little bruises and cuts were all around your body while a tight chain was sheathed around your neck, making it hard for you to breath. Your hands were tied behind in shackles.

"T-Tae." your voice trailed off, you were gasping for a little bit of air. Every part of your body was hurting. It felt like the chain was engraved on your neck.

Taehyung : "Whoever did this to you will pay"

He clenched his jaw running towards you. He quickly unlocked your shackles and hugged you tightly. You finally felt his warmth after hours of being locked up. Your stomach ached from the pain.

You : "T-Tae...they.they got to know about u-us."
Taehyung : "I know y/n... don't worry okay? I will arrange something, let's run away together. I have a little cash in my pocket.. we'll ditch this right now."

Your body had no weight and all the colour from your face was drained. He held onto you tighter. You felt every part of his body over yours, it made you feel safe. Now that he's here, you know no one could lay one finger on you, let alone hurt you more. You felt his lips over yours, every breath of his started to give you hope. Your lips moved in sync, you felt like you were gonna make it.

You : "I missed y-you Taehyung"

you struggled to speak, your breath was hitching as you were scuffling to breathe.
"Shh." he placed his fingers over your
Taehyung : "Don't speak now, it'll hurt you, let's get out of here right now.. and wait for a few days..I promise to take you to a doctor."

He grabbed your hands and turned around to leave for the door when both of yours eyes widened.

You both froze in your places when you laid your eyes on Kang-dae, who was standing behind and listening to each word of your conversation.

Kang-dae : "I Knew I couldn't trust you Taehyung."

He spoke with a grin on his face. He gestured his hands towards you indicating something to his men standing beside him. They immediately picked you up and thrashed your body over the wall as you squealed in pain, and started pressing a knife over your neck, you screamed in agony but they forced their hands over your mouth muffling your screams.

"I told you I'll wouldn't hesitate killing her, l'll make sure to cut every part of her body."

Taehyung just quietly heard you helplessly yelling for help, he couldn't look towards you. Your screams got louder and louder and it was unbearable for him.

Taehyung : "OKAY FINE I'LL KILL HER"-just... don't hurt her more..."

Your heart dropped as you heard
Taehyung's words. This isn't true is it? He just hung his head down . His hands were tied, he couldn't do anything.

He pulled his gun and pointed it at you, but he was just not able to pull the trigger. He was just staring at your eyes as tears trickled down his face.

Taehyung : "I can't-"

He lowered his gun.

"You can, just do it!"

Kang yelled at him.

Taehyung : "I'm not doing this"

"Don't be so weak Taehyung! You are
already a disappointment to me. You
broke the rules don't be so fucking

He tried to hold in his tears but they escaped his eyes and pointed the gun at you once again. He Loved you but he couldn't let you suffer anymore.

You closed your eyes shut tightly and after a few seconds heard


and a loud shot, but you couldn't find the bullet anywhere around you. You opened your eyes to see that he shot himself in his head.

"Taehyung.." you cried running
towards. You held his senseless body in your arms.
His blood smeared over your hands.

"N-No this isn't true..."


you screamed at the top of your lungs. Your heart dropped, you were trembling when you saw a pool of blood surrounding his body.

"How could you be so selfish
Taehyung...you promised you'll get us out of here."

You waited for him to say something grasping his hands, but you only found silence.

"I'm not leaving you alone either."

You wiped your tears and grabbed the gun out his hands looking at his body one last time. You pointed the gun on your head.

"I'm coming with you . I love you ." You pulled the trigger and


[K.TH] Oneshots (Part - 01)Where stories live. Discover now