You dared to kiss a hot stranger

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"Come on, just do it!"

Your friend Nicole screamed into your ear to top the loud music in the club.


You said annoyed, I don't do things
like that!"
Celine rolled her eyes and took a sip of her drink. Tonight you agreed to finally go out with your friend group but you already regretted it.

"Y/N, you agreed to play so you have to do it. Or else you'll get a punishment which is much worse than this dare",

Jacob explained loudly and stirred in his cocktail.


You whined clinging on to your
cocktail and sipped on it.

You were not drunk enough to have the courage to do something extreme like that. You were not exactly the type to approach
people so easily.

"I mean, Y/N, it's not that bad"

Luca said into your ear,

"You can even chose the guy"

What have you gotten yourself into? You just wanted to have a good time with your friends, then you agreed to play truth or dare and now you had to kiss some random guy on the mouth.

You weren't such a big fan of going to the club in the first place. You wanted to hang out at one's place but they were all in the mood for partying. So you put on some
makeup and squeezed into a tight black dress which was too short for your liking.

"Okay, fine"'

You gave in and put down your
drink on the small table in front of you. You were sitting in the VIP area since you had reservations and now you had a good view
over the club.

"Ah, come on! You won't do it if you don't get up now"

Nicole said laughing and
pulled you on your feet by your hand.

"let's go dancing everyone!"

They all got up cheering and dragged you to the dance floor. At first you were stiff but then you let the music lead you and you moved your body to the beat getting more and more rid of your cautiousness.

The DJ changed the light effects to
flashlights and you were lifting your arms dancing frolicsome lyrics.

It was fascinating how every scene was lit up by a bright flash and then it was dark again for a short second. It was like everyone was moving jerkily like in a comic.

And then you saw him. He was making his way through the crowd into your direction, probably to get drinks at the bar.
But when you looked at him, it was like time slowed down. His handsome face was lit up by a flash and then shortly after it was dark again. You could only get a short glimpse of his face, but he was
definitely gorgeous.

He had dark hair which was slightly curled and one strand was hanging over his forehead making him look even more attractive.

With every flash he moved closer to you and you knew you had to make a move before he disappeared in the crowd again. You squeezed past a dancing couple and stood right in front of him. He looked at you baffled but he had no chance to say

You tiptoed and smashed your
lips on his. Maybe he had a girlfriend, you didn't care. You put your arms around his neck and
kissed him deeply. And by the way he moved his lips against yours and wrapped his arms around your waist, you knew he didn't have a girlfriend.

The kiss was hot and steamy and gave you butterflies, but not in your stomach, a little further down. Just by the way his hands rested on your hips..

His lips caressed yours and you wanted to stay like this for a while but you had to take a breath.
You pulled away and looked at him panting You've fulfilled your dare and none of your friends have actually watched. They were all busy by themselves but you didn't care.
mattered was in front of you.


he said in a deep voice with a smirk
on his face as you quickly removed your hands when you realised how
embarrassing it was. The light changed back to normal colours and you took a closer look at your opposite.


he asked as he recognized you and
you gasped. It was Taehyung. Your
childhood crush to whom you confessed in the most humiliating way.

You widened your eyes and turned to go but he stopped you by gripping your wrist.

"Let's talk",

he said puling you with him
outside of the club.

"Taehyung, I.."

You stuttered while he looked at you expectantly lifting his

"Why did you run?",

he asked before you could say anything,

"where did you go?

He referred to the incident back in highschool when you stood up in front of the whole class to confess your feelings for him and everyone laughed at you.

"You're asking me why?"

you asked avoiding eye contact,

"I was humiliated. I knew you wouldn't return my feelings so I
didn't come back."

"We went on vacation during summer and then my father got a new job offer and I transferred',

You explained sighing.

"But who said I didn't like you back?",

he asked looking at you softly

asked quietly.

"Yes, I liked you too back then",

he said running his hand through his hair,

"I was a mess when I found out that you moved. couldn't contact you anymore because I didn't know your phone number."

Oh God",

you groaned regretting literally
all your life decisions,

"I'm sorry, I didn't

"Don't be",

he said giving you a warm smile.

I got over it"

As he said that you felt a slight sting of disappointment.

"Actually...I'm not",

he said locking eyes with you

"I'd love to get to know you again.
And see where this leads. if you like?"

You nodded smiling.

"Yes, l'd love to",

you said and couldn't help but chuckle slightly.
"But why did you kiss me in the first

He asked laughing.

"Um. that was a stupid dare",

you answered blushing.

Oh, okay",

he said smirking,

"can I kiss you again?"

You looked to the ground shyly and
nodded. He placed his hand under your chin and lifted your head. He looked into your eyes before he connected his lips with yours.

[K.TH] Oneshots (Part - 01)Where stories live. Discover now