Chapter 10

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Author: This chapter is gonna have another one of my OCs and remember that you can request for your OC to be put in the book! Enjoy!

Airashī's POV

After Aunty introduced me to her friend Miss Hatsume, I asked her if I could go and play with Miss Yaoyorozu through sign language.

"Sure, I'll walk you there." she responded to which my eyes lit up.

And so, we walked in silence to a big building nearby that was labelled 'Class 2A Dorms'. I've always hated silence: it opened the door to my negative thoughts and made me antsy.

The bad thoughts come often but never have I ever told anyone, not even Mom. It's like there's a voice in my head who whispers bad things to me and tells me to do bad things. Of course, I've never listened to it but it is tem it seems like the only way it'll stop is if I do what it says. I know that if I do listen to it, even once, I'll end up listening again and again and again and it'll end up controlling my life so I just resist it in the same silence that it uses against me.

It is the sole reason that I distract myself with things and people.

Ever since Mom was hospitalised, it's been more active and more aggressive, almost overwhelming, but I can't tell anyone or it'll do something horrible like take control and kill whoever I tell. I don't want that! I'd rather suffer in silence then speak out and get someone killed in my selfishness! I wish that I had a normal life! I wish that I didn't have to deal with monsters in my mind!

Before I knew it, Aunty and I had arrived so I immediately ran towards the only familiar face in the crowd of big strangers. When I had gotten to Miss Yaoyorozu, I hugged her leg because she was a lot taller than me and she pat my head.

'She's so nice!' I thought, only to hear one of the monsters whisper in my ear, causing a shiver to travel down my spine.

'She's masking her insanity with kindness. Don't trust her. Don't trust anyone. Not even yourself.'

I ignored it for the most part and continued smiling happily.


"Hey Y/N! It's nice to see ya again!" Uraraka cheered.

"Thanks. It's nice to see you all too." I replied casually, "I hope you don't mind that I dropped off my nephew. He really wanted to play with Yaoyorozu again. Oh and thank you for watching him earlier."

"Aww that's adorable! It's not a problem!" she smiled, ruffling Airashī's hair.

"That's your nephew? What's he doing here?" Midoriya asked.

"Yes. His mother had was hospitalised so I have to take care of him now as I'm him only relative."

"I thought you were an only child?" Uraraka said, titling her head in confusion.

"I am. He is my best friend's son and we practically consider each other as sisters so he is my nephew."

"Oh ok!" she nodded in understanding with a smile that seemed a little forced.

"Anyways, I have work to do so I'll see you all later. Goodbye." I said, waving as I left the building.

In reality, I didn't have any work to do but I just needed a moment by myself to process everything that has happened. Slowly, I walked into the forest that borders the school as I became lost in thought.

'Kojika was stabbed right after I had left her house.. If only I had stayed a little longer then maybe I could've helped her or done something! Not only that but I can't possibly imagine how this has affected Airashī! Why was she even targeted anyways? It doesn't make sense! I'm going to find whoever did this to her and I'm going to get revenge. I can't spend all of my time on this though, I still have to look after Airashī and there's still school. I'll find a way but what exactly would I do if I found them? It's not like I can do much anyways. I'm useless in this situation..'

At this realisation, I fell to my knees and began to weep like I've never wept before. 

3rd Person POV

You were crying so much that you didn't notice what was happening around you: your tears melted through the foliage that covered the ground.

This has happened only once in your life and that was when your parents died. When you cry to an extreme extent, your tears turn the poison of your quirk into a hybrid of salt, water and acid. The acidity isn't strong enough to hurt a human but it is capable of melting through plants.

Another thing that you had failed to notice was that there were footsteps coming closer and closer and closer until....


Suddenly, I felt warm, fluffy arms wrap around me in a comforting hug coming from behind me so I turned my head and saw a girl who I recognised from my class. She had white hair that was in two pony tails on the sides of her head, white bear ears and wore black gloves and a baby blue and black jacket that had fur at the wrists and shoulders of it. Her eyes were the lightest shade of blue that I could possibly imagine though it wasn't white. She also had thin eyebrows and a bear nose.

"A-are you o-okay?" she whispered.

'I guess she's the shy, quiet type.'

Quickly, I wiped my tears and replied, "I'm fine."

She nodded but didn't release me which I didn't mind as gave me a nice feeling. We just sat there in a comfortable silence until I saw the colours of sunset through the canopy of leaves and branches.

"I need to go now. Thank you for your kindness." I said quietly as to not alarm her. She nodded once more and then slowly released me from her grip. Out of nowhere, she stood up and ran towards our dormitory.

I speed walked to the 2A dorm and when I opened the door, I saw Airashī colouring in a drawing and Yaoyorozu reading a book near him. The others were no where in sight.

"I'm back. Thank you again for watching him." I said, causing Airashī to run up to me and hug my leg.

"You don't have to thank me! I enjoy watching him!" she smiled kindly.

"Alright then. Do you have your things Airashī?" I asked the young boy to which he nodded— I could see the tiredness in his eyes.

"Let's go then. Goodbye Yaoyorozu."

"Farewell Y/N! Farewell Airashī!"

"Bye," Airashī signed.

With that, we went back to my dorm. I changed in my bathroom and when I came out, I saw Airashī sprawled on my bed, sleeping peacefully which made me smile a little.

'I'm going to have to get his things from Kojika's house tomorrow and I need to find someone who can look after him whilst I'm at school.' I thought, sighing quietly.

Slowly, I wlalked over to my bed, tucked in Airashī and then got into bed, placing my arm around him.

I tried to fall asleep and closed my eyes but I just couldn't fall asleep so I just gave up and laid there with my eyes open, staring into space.


I'm questioning why I always give my characters some sort of trauma or stress...

Anyways, yay I uploaded another chapter!

I was planning on putting my drawing of my new OC but I can't sadly so you guys will have to just live with the description I gave. Sorry.

Ily all ❤️


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