Chancellor Palpatine has updated his status. "WOO HOO! I'm single baby!"
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Luke Skywalker: U had a girlfriend!?!?
Chancellor Palpatine: Don't look so surprised. All da ladies luv me!
Padmè Amidala: No. They don't.
Leia Organa Solo: I think otherwise, chancellor.
Chancellor Palpatine: U suck.
Luke Skywalker: HEY! That's my sister ur talkin' 'bout.
Anakin Skywalker: Don't mess with my daughter or my wife, u shriveled up barf licker!
Leia Organa Solo: u tell him, dad!
Chancellor Palpatine: Tear.
Luke Skywalker: Oh, my. I'm sorry chancellor. I didn't mean to make u cry!
Chancellor Palpatine: Just u wait, Skywalker. I'll get ya someday.
Boba Fett: Hey, my peeps! Listening to Uptown Funk!
Anakin Skywalker: This is that ice cold, Michelle Pfeiffer that white gold. ;-) I don't know if I spelled Pfeiffer right or not. It looks right...
Leia Organa Solo: It looks right to me.
Padmè Amidala: Probably is right.
Luke Skywalker: I don't know.
Ahsoka Tano: TOO HOT!
Anakin Skywalker: U killed it, Ahsoka.
Star Wars: The Facebook Wars!
AcakWhat happens when your favorite Star Wars characters join the largest social media website ever? Well, lets just say that it will either be the most hilarious thing ever, or the scariest. DUH DUH DUH!