Welcome home

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Macie came home today after school. She was still sad but not as sad as she was before. So she was feeling a little bit better. Unfortunately, Sam would not except this.

As Macie walked inside, she found a huge banner and some pink and black balloons. The banner said, 'Welcome home Macie'. "Huh?" She said as she saw a bowl of popcorn and a raspberry ginger ale. She gasped. "My favorite!" She said as she took a sip of the drink and burped. She giggled when she felt a poke on her sides. "That burp was adorable sweetie." Sam said with a smirk. "Stop it!" Macie said as Sam released her from his touch. "So, did you like my touches?" Sam asked as Macie nodded. "It's beautiful! I love it!" She said with a smile. Sam raised his eye-brow at her. "Where did that smile come from?" He asked as Macie frowned. "You tickled me remember?"

"I did? Hmm. Was it like this?" Sam smirked as he tased his fingers all over Macie's belly. Macie squealed and tried to back away but Sam caught her in his arm and continued his assault. "SAM STAPH!" Macie screamed as Sam kissed her neck repeatedly. "Mmm you taste so good. Where else did I tickle you?"

"IM NOT TELLING!" Macie replied as Sam rolled his eyes and looked down at her feet. "Oh I remember." He said as he picked Macie up and put her on the couch. "I think I remember what I did now." Sam took off Macie's shoes and socks. Macie's gulped and tried to move Sam away from her. "No no no! Please no!" Macie pleaded as Sam covered Macie's eyes again. "I definitely remember saying something about no peeking." Macie giggled with anticipation. Sam scribbled his fingers all over Macie's little feet. Macie giggled some more while wiggling her toes. "NOT MY TOES! PLEASE!" Macie begged as tears rolled down her eyes. Sam smiled and kissed her cheek. "Who's my ticklish sweetie? Who is it? Who is it?" Sam cooed as he nuzzled his nose in Macie's neck. Macie squealed and giggled. "Quit it!"

"Tell me who my ticklish sweetie is." Sam teased while uncovering Macie's eyes. "ME ME! IT'S ME!"

"That's right." Sam said with a chuckle. Sam let her up and popped a popcorn in her mouth. Macie giggled and swallowed it down. "Thanks for the decoration. It means a lot." Macie said as Sam placed her on his lap. "It's the least I can do. How about I stay with you until your parents return?" Macie's eyes lit up. "R-Really!?" Sam only shrugged as Macie hugged him tightly. "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!" Macie exclaimed as Sam hugged her back.

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