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During the evening, Macie drunk at least 3 cups of soda. Usually that would make her burp up a storm, but this evening was different. "*hiccup*" She said as she walked over to Sam who was in the kitchen. "Sam- *hiccup*. Help." Macie cried as Sam rushed over to her. "You okay?"

"I got *hiccup* the hiccups." Sam sighed in relief. "Don't worry. Try holding your breath for 10 seconds." Macie did just that. 10 seconds later, they started again. "It won't *hiccup* work."

"Try drinking some water. Really fast." Sam replied as he handed Macie some water. Macie drunk as fast as the Flash but it still wasn't enough to stop the hiccups. Macie shook her head. "It's hope- *hiccup*-less." Macie sighed in defeat followed by a couple more hiccups. Sam saw the look of defeat in her eyes as an idea popped up in his head. "There's one more thing we could try." He replied with a smirk as he flexed his knuckles. Macie looked at him and widen her eyes in fear. "Oh *hiccup*!"

Macie raced upstairs with Sam hot on her trail. "I can easily find you Macie. You know that." Sam shouted while Macie covered herself in her bed. Sam chuckled at her. "Always the bed huh?"

"It's my- *hiccup* only friend." Macie replied back as Sam sat on top of Macie, trapping her in his grip. "Oh well, guess who's getting tickle~" Sam wiggled his fingers all over Macie's sides and belly. "AH!" She squealed as Sam laughed. "Get off!" She tried to threaten but with all the laughter, she couldn't even make a frown. "No can do. I ShALl gEt RiD oF tHEse hIccUPs My LaDy!" Sam yelled in the most hilarious voice ever. Macie didn't even try to hide her laughter as his index finger found her belly button. "I BeLieVe yOuR WOrsT SpOt HAs BeEN LoCaTeD!" He replied again while smirking his biggest smirk in history.

After tickling her for a little longer, he slowed down his torture so Macie could breathe. "YOU EVIL DEM-hey, they're gone." Macie realized. "Dun, Dun DUN! I HAVE DONE YOU PROUD YOUR HIGHNESS!" Sam replied as he bowed to Macie like a knight causing Macie to giggle. "Why thank you Sir Sam." Macie replied with a dress dip.

They both burst out laughing at each other. "You make a pretty good knight." Macie said as Sam smiled at her. "And you're already my fair princess."

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