Navel torture

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This was inspired by a tickle fanart I saw on Tumblr. Okay enjoy! Also one other thing: MAY THE 4TH BE WITH US ALL!

After the Christmas party at Steven's house, Sam and Macie went back to his house, Macie still being held in Sammy's arms as he tries to secure his girlfriend. He was tickling her the entire time and she was ready for him to stop. "SAMMEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE THAT TIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHICKLES!"

"I think we've already established that sweetie." Sammy replied making his way towards her room. He plopped her body onto the bed, instantly making Macie go into the covers of her bed. "No...more...tickling." Macie said pointing her accusing finger at him. Sam laughed and laid on the bed next to her. "I can't promise that Mace. You know that." Macie blushed as he smirked and made his way under the covers. "Sammy whatever you're doing, don't do it!" Sammy didn't reply. He just made his way towards Macie from inside the covers. Soon, he was looking directly at her, his body in between her legs. Macie blushed. "Um Sam...I don't know if I'm-"

"Oh no Macie we won't be doing that tonight. We're saving that for another day." Macie sighed in relief. "Oh don't get too relaxed on me sweetheart I haven't even used my favorite power yet." Before Macie could even ask, her hands were now bond together above her head. "What the-!?" Macie tried to bring them down but it was no use. She was stuck. "Sam, what're you doing?" Sam didn't answer. He only slowly lifted Macie's shirt to reveal her cute little bellybutton. Macie blushed. She hated her navel. It was one of her many tickle spots.

Sammy smirked at her as he ever so slowly pressed his finger inside of her navel. It took every fiber in Macie's body not to scream with excitement. "Sammy I s-s-swear-AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Sammy began to wiggle his finger in her navel. "Don't swear sweetheart." he said as he stopped wiggling his finger. Macie sighed as she tried to wiggle out of his grasp. Sam chuckled. "You're not gonna get that far." Macie only stuck her tongue out. Sam gasped and wiggled his finger again. "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP IHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIT!"

"Never stick your tongue out at me." Sam said, stopping his finger ceasing Macie's laughter. "Why are you doing this?"

"Cause it tickles. Hold on there's something in that cute little bellybutton of yours." Sam's tone sounded serious so Macie wasn't too scared. Until she saw a flash of his smirk. "Sam, don't you-DAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHARE!"

"Hold on, almost got it."


"Ah, there it is." Sam said pulling his finger out of her navel and releasing the bonds off her wrist. Instantly, Macie smacked his shoulder playfully. "Don't do that."

"But you're so cute." Macie blushed she was about to stick her tongue out but thought against it. Sam smirked and poked her bellybutton. "Did you try to-"

"NO! NO I DIDN'T!" Macie quickly replied as Sam rolled his eyes and buried them both in the covers. Macie quickly pulled her shirt down and faced away from him. "You don't get to talk to me tomorrow." Sam whined and kissed her goodnight.

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