Bedtime giggles

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Macie and Sam were sitting on the couch in the living room watching Disney+. Macie was singing along to High School Musical 2 (YEAH THAT'S RIGHT! MY BOY ZAC EFRON!!!). Macie was signing 'Bet on It' and she just finished the song when Sam heard her yawn. "Aw, you sleepy?" Sam asked as Macie shook her head and continued to watch.

During the part where everyone was whispering about something, Macie yawned again. "That was twice that you yawned."

"I don't care. I wanna see Zac." Macie replied yawning a third time. "Alright. Bedtime sweetie." Sam picked up Macie bridal style and turned off the TV. "No! Zac Efron, come back!" Macie whined causing Sam to chuckled.

Once they both made it to Macie's room, Sam stared in awe. "This is the cutest bedroom I have ever seen." It really was. Macie's room was either filled with dark pink, light, neon, or peach pink. Yeah, she was a girly girl. Macie blushed that at the sight of her room. "It's not that cute."

"Are you kidding!?" Sam said as he hoisted Macie over his shoulder. "Hey! Put my down!" Macie giggled while banging her fist on Sam's back. Sam smirked as he noticed Macie's now bare feet. "Awwww these cute little toes just scream for tickling." Macie froze and started to wiggle out of Sam's grasp but it was no use sense Sam was so strong. "You aren't going anywhere cutie. Not until I tickle the life out of these toes." Sam did the Mose ticklish thing ever. He grabbed Macie feet and sucked on the toes.

It tickles so much!

"SAMMY!!!!" Macie squealed as she tried to get out of Sam's grasp again. "QUIT IT!!!" She screamed and giggled. Eventually she jumped out of Sam's hold and ran straight to her bed. She then proceeded to snuggled under her blanket for protection. "Sweetie, that bed isn't gonna protect you from me you know." Sam replied as Macie giggled from under the blanket. Sam was confused on why she just giggled, but then, he realized that she not only loved to be tickled, but also loved the nickname he gave her. "Aw, you like it when I call you sweetie?" He asked as he got on top of her. Macie giggled again as she turned to face him. "Um.....maybe?" Macie replied as Sam smiled at her. "I see that little smile. Sweetie, sweetie. Sweeeeetieeeee." Sam let the last word roll causing Macie to blush and giggled. Macie was blushing so much she covered her face with her hands. Because her eyes were also closed, she failed to see Sam nuzzle his face into her neck. Macie bucked her head up and laughed. "NO! NOT THAT!" She pleaded as her giggled filled the entire room with laughter. When Sam finally stopped, Macie was out of breath and her face was still covered. "C'mon sweetie. Lemme see your face." Sam smirked as Macie shook her head. Sam rolled his eyes and kissed Macie's hands to pry them off. "Sammy no!" Macie said as Sam looked at her face. "There she is." Sam smiled at her as Macie smiled back. Sam gave her a big kiss on the bridge of her nose making Macie giggled.

Suddenly, a beeping sound came from Sam's watch. "Crap." Sam said as he turned it off. "What's wrong?" Macie asked losing her smile. "Nothing. My uh...parents texted me. I better get going."

"But I thought you were gonna stay." Macie said as she started feeling sad again. Sam gave her a sad smile and kissed her cheek. "I am. I also have a life outside of here. My parents just want me back home."

"Oh. Okay." Macie replied as Sam smirked at her to cover up his sadness. "Hey, guess who's coming tomorrow. Guess you coming tomorrow. C'mon, guess." Sam cooed and teased as he nuzzled back into Macie's neck making her giggle again. "It's you!"

"Good job." Sam said kissing Macie's hands. "Goodnight sweetie." Sam said as he vanished from thin air. Macie thought that he left but she didn't realized that Sam stayed close by until she fell asleep with a smile on her face.

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