IV. December

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"And I think about summer, all the beautiful times,I watched you laughing from the passenger side.And realized I loved you in the fall." -Taylor Swift, Back To December


It took everything in me to not answer her calls and to slowly  drift away from her. I knew she needed all these. I've muster enough courage to lessen our communication thinking that maybe, if I showed her that I am doing just fine without her, she will learn to forget and live her life the way she used to before I even came into the picture.

Paparazzis continued to follow me everywhere I go after that night our breakup was relayed to the media. People would asked me questions of who dumped who, it enervates my mind and exhaust my entire being for not being able to defend any of it. I knew talking back would just fuel their curiosity, so I just kept my mouth shut. It was hard to keep quiet whilst people keep on blabbering untruthful things about me, and the relationship I had with April.

 It was hard to keep quiet whilst people keep on blabbering untruthful things about me, and the relationship I had with April

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No one ever knew the real story of us. It was a secret world for two. It was just us.

"We're just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me" I whispered to myself, scribbling the words in my notepad, strumming and pairing words to keys in my beaten up guitar.
(A/N: Another song inspiration! In this part, I imagined December writing the song "Two Ghosts"by Harry styles. Omg. This is coming all together so perfectly!)

I would find my self staring out in space, and humming things out of nowhere. I tried to occupy myself in song writing. That diversion helped me to calm myself down whenever I miss her so much. Sometimes, I would look up for some of her candid photos in the internet just to see how she was doing. It pained me to see her trying her best to smile and look okay. None of the photos taken lately of her captured the April I once knew. None of it translates the smiles she had when I was with her.

I can't help it but remember all those times that we had together

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I can't help it but remember all those times that we had together...


I used to take her around New York City during the night, for it was impossible for her to go out during day times without people following her around. April loved serene places where we could be alone and talk about things. One of the most memorable night we had was when I took her to the beach, it was a very long drive but neither of us noticed the time as it passed us by. She loved those midnight strolls with the the windows down. I can still remember the happiness I felt watching her laugh in the passenger's seat. Our story may consist of simple things, yet it was the sincerest moments I've ever had in my life. With her, I was alive, I forgot how the real world was really like.

I missed telling her how much I love her, I missed squeezing her hands when we walked down the streets - it was my way of telling her that she is not alone. I miss staring at those bright blue eyes whilst she tell silly stories and inside jokes we had. I miss looking at those red lips as it creases into thousand of different emotions.

I miss our secret world - where we would sing to each other in random moments. Back then, our hearts were in sync, but our realities are impossible to ever fit.

"Dec...Hey December, is everything okay man?" I cameback to my senses when one of my bandmates tapped my shoulder.

I just nodded.

"Ahh." he said, as though I gave him the answer as to why I am staring out blankly again.

"It's okay bro, We both know it's just one of their publicity stunts, I heard the guy needs attention for his new upcoming album" he assured me, as we starred at the couple entering the ball room. Like I could ever do anything to change it. Like I could just not give a care and know that at the back of my mind she's still with me.

Well, she's not. She's with him - the guy they said is good  for her - now.

(A/N: Well I have to say, I cant thank Haylor enough for putting my Haylor dreams into reality! I wrote this story before their relationship even started, so I was so happy when the internet finally provided us these cute photographs! I loved Haylor sooo much, I thought of revising this story and aleast, even just in my imagination, their love remains)

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