II. December

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You gave me roses and I left them there to dry-Taylor Swift, Back To December


It was our first year anniversary, I can't believe it's been a year since I first told her I love her, since she first told me she loved me too. A year, after that beautiful fall night, when I made her cry - I didn't mean to - but she did, because of the song I wrote for her, for us.

I brought her roses, her favourite.
But of all the days.The thing I dreaded the most, happened - in our anniversary.

I knew this day will happen, but I didn't prepare myself for it. I guess I have let myself float inside that dream lavishly.

"Let's stop this, I am really sorry December" she whispered, almost incoherent, as the wind from her balcony blew her long curly hair.

"If that is what you want" I said, with all my strength to look okay. I am not okay. It was evident as the tears started to fall from my eyes and the roses I brought her dropped in the floor. I didn't even bothered wiping it, I just kissed her in the forehead one last time and turned around.

I walked away, even though that was the thing I swore I will never do.
I let her go, because that was what she needed.
I walked away, from all the things that we had. From all the things I believed we had. Or maybe - I thought we had.

I knew we loved each other, but she loved something else before I came into her life.
And so, I let her have it. I let her have it all back.
I let her go back to the world where she really belongs.
The world of music. The world where everyone loved her.
The world where I was considered her flaw.
"December, you are not good for April's image. Leave her"  someone once told me. I never listened, until now, that it all came from her very lips.

We had our own world. We understood each other, from stories about our lives, to the music we love. Music was our world, then and now. But slowly, she became my world and I became hers. It was too much to say,I know. We were young back then. but I knew that what we had was real. People said it was impossible, no one ever believed me when I told stories about her, but our love made it all possible.

After that night, we went back to our original places, to the roles this cruel world decided to throw us in. April, as the famous unreachable singer. And me, December, the boy who is not significant to any narrative in April's life.

(A/N: So I thought of adding December's POV for a bit of spice. hehe. Tell me what you think? Was it nice?)

 Tell me what you think? Was it nice?)

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