I. April

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            I grew up wanting to be a famous singer, my mom told me I started singing - humming - incoherent lyrics of my own since I was a little girl. She would tell stories of me performing in family gatherings and sometimes in random places, like parks or even during bath times at night. My father is a cinematographer and a content creator in youtube, he would post videos of me singing when I was a little kid. He would sometimes use me as his actress in the short films he made, so I was pretty well known in the internet world ever since.

        At the age of ten I asked them if I could make my own youtube channel, and so my father helped me. He would record videos of me singing covers and renditions of my favorite artists' songs.
           I was fifteen when I wrote my first song ever, it was about first love, how I imagined it would feel like to have one. Although I haven't had my share of experience in the "Young love" department, I was able to put it all into words. "Very well written" a viewer once commented.
            Not long, when people started to notice me , my videos started to gain views. They would comment in my videos, praising my works and telling me how much they love my voice. They would share it in their social medias. By my seventh year in youtube, I reached my first million subscribers. That is when a producer invited me to meet up and talk about business - real business.

            My parents supported me in my career, even though they think it was too early for me to live life on my own . Well, it's not like I was too young, I was already seventeen when I signed my first contract. Just one year to go and I'll be old enough to move out. They gave me my own apartment in New York, a place closer to every events I may be having.
             I finished High School in an online school, for my schedules became too hectic it was impossible for me to attend an actual one. I loved my life, I loved the attention I was getting. I even remember telling myself "I reached it". I am living the life I've always imagined having.

            Through all the whirlwind of a life that I was having, I never thought that the first song I wrote will come into reality. In New York, I met December. It was a random day at the studio, he was doing a part time job, carrying materials we will need for a music video. He was assisting everyone, basically. I get to know him for he was tasked to bring me breakfast every morning in my apartment and to basically wake me up

            It was summer, and being the eighteen year old me, I needed companion, I longed for someone my age to be friends with, to tell stories of the normal side of my life. I would ask him to secretly take me outside. We used his car late at night to roam around  New York City - because of him I got to explore the city for the first time in my life. Even if it's just behind the windows of his car. I would wear a disguise, and he would take me to the gigs of his favorite local artists. It was fun enough for me to be outside and  not be recognized by anyone, even the clubs' bouncers. I guess I was only famous with kids my age. Well, my career was just starting then, so it's just fair that it's not yet the whole world who knows the existence of April.

April and DecemberWhere stories live. Discover now