X. December

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"Sweet Creature, running through the garden
Oh, where nothing bothered us
But we're still young
I always think about you
And how we don't speak enough"
-Harry Styles, Sweet creature


I looked outside from the airplane's window, watching the city lights of New York, as I remembered how it all made me feel. It felt so nice to be back again, to the place where I experienced all the amazing things that changed my life.


The host say "Now It's time for our World's Exclusive, all the way from the city of Sexy British accents. Performing his new album for the very first time here in the Big Apple, please welcome, December Styles!"

(A/N: Please play the song in the media board at this point. And again, imagine like how I did, that it was December singing xx Ivy)

The guitar started to strum, as the crowd's voices welcomed me in unison.

Sweet creature
Had another talk about where it's going wrong
And we're still young
We don't know where we're going but we know where we belong

I looked far behind, trying to feel every words of my song, hoping that somewhere out there she's listening to me, and know in her heart that she became the reason of everything that I am now. I closed my eyes as the song brings me back to that time I last told her I love her.

I've thought of the things I was going to tell her very well, but everything I practised went away the moment I saw her standing there in front of me. I just hugged the life of her, and for a second I wished I could just ask her to run away with me, to escape the world's harsh reality. But I knew I can't. April had her dreams she needed to pursue and I cannot let myself be the reason she turns her back to all of the opportunities given to her.

Sweet creature
Running through the garden, oh, where nothing bothered us
But we're still young
I always think about you and how we don't speak enough

It was the hardest kind of parting, when the person you were about leave was the one you knew you loved the most.

We were still young back then, I knew we had so much ahead of us. I thought that maybe, if fate introduced me to her despite the differences in our worlds before, it's bound to happen again. That maybe, someday, our paths shall cross again when our lives are finally cleared with chaos and we wouldn't be bothered by the circumstances around us.

Sweet creature, sweet creature
When I run out of road, you bring me home...

I continued Uni back in London for four years and went on with my life without April. I met new friends and reconnected with the old ones, as I tried to occupy myself - I wrote more songs and played them in small pubs during the weekends.

And then a scout discovered me one day whilst I was performing in one of my friends' wedding. He asked me if I could do some recordings for their label, and consider joining a singing contest to start my exposure in the music industry. After some weeks of thinking, I accepted his offer.Though I didn't manage to win the contest, I gained some fans along the way that supported my music. I started to record my own songs and released one after the other. Radio stations invited me and not long when my producer decided that it was time for me to release a whole album.

I was so surprised by the feedback of people, and for once, I was known for my own music, and not for any untruthful allegations.

Oh, You bring me home

The crowd applauded, as the two host of the show joined me on stage.

"Oh wow! December! That song was lovely!"
"Thank you" I answered.
"It's amazing how it was just released a few weeks ago, but people were singing along and already know words to it" the other said.
I smiled, as we sat and went on with the interview.
"Congratulations, on your new Album! Looking at the download charts, you were number one across the UK and America." The woman announced, and the audience once again responded in excitement.
"Yeah, I can't thank people enough for the unwavering support they've given me ever since I released my first song, Two Ghosts, up until today that I have a whole new album" I answered.
"We want to know how you feel to be finally back in New York? We heard you spent some years here before you went to Uni five years ago"
"It was quite overwhelming, but I couldn't be any happier" I said smirking, as I know what the next questions will be.

Do you miss her??? someone from the audience shouted. I can't help but smile as I heard it, and people started to ask questions altogether. 

"Well I guess, the people can't wait enough for the real questions to be asked"

The two host looked at each other, as though they are sharing a secret.

"But before everything else, we'll back after a short break"

And then, the lights in the studio lessen a bit, but the chatter in the audience grew even louder.

After all the numerous times we decided to let each other go, I am so glad I finally arrived at this moment. This time, it's my turn to be heard. To let the world know, who gave me the strength and inspired me to reach for my dreams, as she did with hers.

(A/N : I hope you noticed my effort on placing the words exactly as to how the music was played in the background. If tou haven't then feel free to read again some of the parts. See you in the Epilogue!! Xx ivy)

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