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charlottes pov

bill and i are by the hotel pool sitting by their fire table just talking and getting to know each other while the kids all spend some time together having a sleepover

"so earlier finn said you were sort of his mom what exactly did he mean by that if you don't mind me asking" bill said "i don't mind at all it's kind of a long story but i'll try to keep it short, so i've lived next to finn's family my entire life and when i was thirteen finn's parents gave birth to him and i became his baby sitting all the way until he was seven years old, when i turned eighteen my parents moved to paris but they left the house to me so i always had somewhere to stay" i start to say but then take a deep breath as i get to the harder part of the story to tell and try to push back my tears "you don't have to keep going if you don't want to char" bill says giving charlotte a nickname that makes her smile "no no it's okay i just haven't ever talked about it out loud before and i haven't had to revisit these feelings in a while so it's just a little tough but basically when finn turned seven his mother died in a horrific car crash and it was just tragic for finn and his father and for me too i mean she was truly like a mother to me and she was such a beautiful person inside and out finn reminds me so much of her everyday and i just miss her a lot" i continue wiping away a few tears in the process "shortly after finns dad started going into a downward spiral i mean he was drinking all day long he quit his job and he was just so awful towards finn i would bring finn over for sleepovers a lot just so he could get away from his dad and then one day his dad just left poof gone without a trace he sold the house and left finn alone and so i talked to social services and told her how close i was to finn and ever since he was seven and i was twenty i've been his official guardian and pretty much his mom" i finish my explanation letting out a breath as the tears continue to fall "that was so brave and kind of you to do that for him" bill says making me smile "i love that kid with everything in me and that's why i am so protective over him because he has just been through so much at such a young age and i just want to make sure he is okay and stays safe and happy" i say finally wiping away all my tears "well i can tell you that you have done a wonderful job raising that boy and his mother would be proud and happy to know that he is in such good hands" bill complimented making me break out into sobs again so bill stands me up giving me a tight hug as he consoles me "i'm sorry it's just no one has ever said that to me before and it means so much to me" i say "shh it's alright i'm here for you anytime charlotte" he says as they pull away "would you look at that day one of filming and we've both already made a friend" i say "i was honestly worried i would be lonely because it's a movie with kids leading the way but i'm glad that you are here to keep me company" bill says "thank you bill, i think i'm gonna head to my room for the night but i'll see you tomorrow" i say as i give him one last hug before leaving

i think bill and i are going to become great friends

Guardian: Bill SkasgårdWhere stories live. Discover now