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charlottes pov

i was currently in an interview with chris evans for infinity war promos and it has been so much fun so far i think interviews and promos are my favorite part of being in the marvel cast

"so ms florescu tell us what has been going on with you and bill skarsgård" the interviewers says oh lord here we go "well as many people know i am finn wolfhards official guardian and he is in a project right now so i have to be on set since he is under eighteen or i have to sign paper work providing the reason why i can't be there but obviously i chose to be there with him and bill is in the project too we are the only two adults really there besides crew members obviously so we have just gotten really close and he is honestly like my best friend" i say "is there anything more going on though?" the interviewer asks "hey why don't we talk about the movie i mean that is what we came here to be interviewed about" chris says stepping in "chris you are a gentleman but it's okay i don't mind talking about it truthfully we are just friends we are both very busy with our careers and lives right now so i don't think either of us are looking for a relationship with each other or anyone else" i say "i see and yes chris you are right so let's move on" the interview says in response


i flop onto the couch in bills dressing room "well hello to you too charlie" he says "sorry i am just exhausted after doing press all day i'm also really hungry" i say and he hands me a sandwich "finn and i went earlier he told me that you usually don't eat during press so i got you a sandwich just in case" bill says "you are literally the best i love you" i say then my eyes widen and he looks at me "i love you too" he says smiling at me "you are the best best friend ever" i say smiling

"so i have a proposition for you" he says "go on" i say "well you and finn are going to atlanta next week to film then the week after i have off so i was wondering if you would like to go on that edinburg vacation that we talked about a while ago" he offers "wow bill that sounds incredible" i say "i'm not quite done with the offer yet" he says "go on" i say very intrigued "how would you like to spend thanksgiving with my family the week after i know it's not a swedish holiday but we still have a feast and celebrate harvest time and before you mention finn i already asked him and he said that if you were down he was down" bill says "wow you have this all thought out huh" i say finishing my sandwich and throwing it out "i do" he says "well i'll tell you what we will visit your family for thanksgiving if you will visit my family with us in paris for christmas" i say "that sounds lovely" he says and i stand up to give him a hug

bill hugs back and i take in a whiff of his scent he honestly smells like cologne and a forest candle i love it "we're meeting each other's parents we are reaching true best friend level" i say "it's true also i want to warn you i have seven siblings all ranging different ages so beware of them" he says "bill i think if i can handle the kids here i can handle your family" i say looking up at him while keeping my arms wrapped around him he looks down at me and smiles "i'm sure you can" he says pushing my hair behind my ear

"bill we need you for the next scene!" andy says from behind the door with a knock "well i have to go charlie i'll see you" he says then nonchalantly kisses my forehead before leaving

i blush and then wonder am i falling for bill?

Guardian: Bill SkasgårdWhere stories live. Discover now