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charlottes pov

bill and i are currently sitting in my room watching marvel movies and eating candy ah what a life "so bill" i say looking at him "so charlotte" he says "i have a crazy idea" i say "i'll be the judge of that" he says "christmas is in a couple of months and i was thinking that for finns christmas gift i could formally adopt him" i say and his eyes widen "wow" he says "yeah" i say "you have the biggest heart out of anyone i have ever met and i don't think that anyone else could be a better mother to finn" he says and i give him a hug even though we're sitting in bed next to each other

bill hugs me back and i just smile "you are truly my best friend bill whatever the rest of your name is" i say causing him to laugh and pull away "would you like to know my full name?" he asks looking at me "why yes yes i would" i say "well you'll have to tell me yours" he says "i think i can do that" i say and he gives me a go ahead hand motion "my full name is charlotte rosemary florescu" i say and he chuckles "what?" i say jokingly offended "nothing nothing" he shakes his head "no no do enlighten me" i say "it's just even your name is beautiful" he says making me blush a little bit "okay you big flirt tell me what's your name" i say and so he sighs "my full name is bill istvan günther skarsgård" he says "wow that is a fancy name what does it mean" i ask "well bill means sword istvan means victorious günther means warrior and skarsgård means gift from your mother" he says "now that...is beautiful" i say looking at him and he looks back at me "you think so?" he says "i do" i say sneakily scooting a bit closer he puts his hand over mine "i think you're beautiful" he blurts out and my eyes widen "you think so?" i say mocking him from earlier which makes him smile "i do" he says smiling and scooting closer not sneakily

we stay like this for a few moments until there is a knock on the door "who is it?" i yell not moving the position i'm in "it's me" i hear finn say quietly so i pull away from the position i'm in with bill and go to the door opening it "what's up-" i say but stop once i see the condition he is in

he has tear filled eyes "finn honey what's wrong?" i ask "millie has a boyfriend now" he says he has had the biggest crush on millie since they filmed season one of stranger things i bring him inside then shut the door "bill what are you doing here?" finn asks "we were having a movie night" i say "if you want i can leave finn it's okay" bill says and i give him a smile "no it's okay you can stay" finn says sniffling and we both crawl into the bed i lay down and finn lays between my legs so i wrap my arms around him and run my fingers through his hair "do you want to talk about it?" i ask him and he nods "what happened bud?" bill asks scooting closer so he can hear "millie has a boyfriend now" he says "aw i'm sorry i've been there before" bill says "you have?" he says and bill nods "yeah i know it hurts now but it'll get better she may not be with this kid for long and then you can give it a shot with her" bill says "yeah you're right" he says and gets up "i'm gonna go hang out with everyone but thank you for your help" finn says before leaving to go off with his friends

"he trusts you a lot" i say to bill "really?" he asks shocked "yeah ever since his dad left i've never seen him get close enough with a male adult like he has with you" i say "wow that honestly means a lot to me" he says "it means a lot to me too now shall we get back to our movie night?" i ask "we shall" he says so i turn off the light start the movie and scoot close enough to bill that there is no gap between us and we are sitting right next to each other very close

bill puts his arm around me and i set my head on his shoulder "thank you for being my best friend bill" i say "of course charlie i'll always be here for you" he says giving me a forehead kiss and we stay like that watching movies and snuggling all night long

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