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charlottes pov

"why does he get to call you charlie but nobody else including me gets to why is he so special" finn said

after i made that instagram post and bill commented calling me charlie finn decided to give me a call a few hours later "finn it's not a big deal it's just a nickname" i say trying to calm him down "yeah one that you have hated until this point" he says with a little bit of sass in his tone "finn... it has been so long since i have had a real friend who cares for me like bill does i mean i am friends with my marvel costars but it's not the same as my friendship with bill he cares for me like no one else my age has before so when he called me that it didn't make me annoyed it felt right and i'm sorry if that upsets you" i say with a sigh "i'm sorry too i just miss you a lot i know it's hasn't even been a week yet but we haven't been so far apart for so long it feels strange" he says "i miss you to finny" i say starting to tear up "i have to go run some scenes but i'll see you in three days bye char" he says "bye finn" i say hanging up

my door opens and i see chris hemsworth walk in "hey chris what's up" i say once he sits in the chair next to me in my dressing room "are you alright you seem off this week" he says "it's hard being away from finn the most i've ever been apart from him since i became his official guardian normally you know we're only apart for a few days and we're at least in the same country so to be completely apart barely any contact in a different country is just really hard" i say "i'm probably one of the only people here right now that can actually understand what you're feeling when i film these movie and have to leave my kids back in australia it is really really difficult but it gets easier and easier after a while" he says giving me a pat on the back before heading back to go film


it's the next morning and i decide to call bill cause i needed to talk to someone who could get me out of my own head i barely got any sleep last night it's currently 7am and i have to go film in two hours

i dialed bills phone number and he answered after three rings "hey charlie what's up!" he said with excitement and hearing his voice already helps me feel better "hey bill i was just wondering how you guys were doing" i ask "we're doing good i thought you had just talked to finn yesterday?" he said confused "yeah i did i'm just having a little bit of a hard time i'm in my own head right now and talking to you helps me out a lot" i say "aw well i'm honored now what's got you in your own head" he says and i can hear him fall back on his bed "bill what time is it?" i ask "it's about two am" he says and i gasp "i completely forgot edinburg is five hours ahead i'm so sorry bill did i wake you" i say mentally smacking myself for not remembering "no actually i was just about to go to sleep" he says "bill it's two in the morning why weren't you sleeping?" i ask "oo charlies going all mom mode on me um i was actually up with finn he was having trouble sleeping cause he was missing you so i took him out on a walk for some fresh air then played video games to get his mind off of things then he eventually went to sleep so i came back to my room" he says and my heart both warms and breaks at the same time "thank you for being there for him while i'm gone i really can't begin to tell you how much i appreciate it" i say "of course anytime i love these kids and i know you do too so when you're gone i want to make sure that the kids don't feel your absence so much" he says "thank you so much bill i mean truly thank you" i say "anytime i'm gonna head to bed now are you alright?" he says "yeah i'm alright bill goodnight" i say "goodnight charlie" he says before hanging up so i get ready to go film

Guardian: Bill SkasgårdWhere stories live. Discover now