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charlottes pov

bill and i walk onto set as the kids are filming a scene so we quietly walk up and wait for them to finish

once andy yells cut all the kids run to bill and i attacking us in a group hug "we missed you so much!" sophia says "i missed you guys too" i say as we all pull away "you have to tell us how it was!" wyatt says "yeah we wanna hear all about your trip!" chosen says "okay but i can't give away any spoilers you know that" i say "come on not anything?" jaeden says "yeah come one give us somethinggg" jeremy says but i shake my head no "pleaseeeeee" jack says "guys come on give the girl a break" andy says as he comes up and gives me a hug and they all groan walking away except for finn "hey bud i got you your favorite sandwich" bill says to finn handing him his food "thanks bill! hey do you mind if i have a moment alone with charlotte?" finn asks "of course not i'll see you later finn" he says "see you later bill?" i say almost asking him if he wanted some time together later and he nods then walks away

i give finn the tightest hug ever "i missed you so much" he says "i missed you too finny everyone that was there told me to tell you hi and they miss you too" i say not pulling away yet "i talked to andy about letting me go with you the next week that you go away and he said yes" he says and i pull away to give him my excited smile "really!!" i say "you bet!" he says and i smile "that's so great this last week was so hard without you" i say and he looks down a little "yeah" he says "hey you alright bud?" i ask a little bit concerned "yeah it's just being here without you reminded me of how i felt when my mom passed and my dad left and it made me feel sad" he confessed "oh finn..." i say pulling him into a hug and he starts to cry "i know i say a lot that you're kind of my mom but i feel like you really are my mom and i love you charlotte" he says "i love you too finn" i say rubbing his back "finn we need you for the next scene!" andy calls so we pull away and i wipe his tears "go get em kid" i say then as he walks away i get a crazy idea...

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