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charlottes pov

"okay finn make sure you text me everyday and let me know that you're okay kids please hold him to that" i say looking around at all the other kids i have my first week of filming for infinity war this week and so i won't be able to be here with finn

normally our projects don't coincide so he comes with me but this time there was no working around it so i scheduled filming for my movie to be every two weeks so i would be away one week and back for two weeks until i have to go away and film again

i've never been away from finn before so i'm kind of freaking out "i've talked to andy and bill already we have it worked out so that while i'm gone bill is in charge of you and if anything we're to go wrong andy is back up because they are the two adults here i trust most with you" i say trying to hold it together for finn and not breakdown "i'll be okay charlotte it's only one week don't worry" finn says giving me a big hug in which i return

i begin to feel tears on my shirt from finn which makes it even harder to hold it together but i somehow manage "i love you kid" i say rubbing his back as i pull away and wipe his tears for him "i love you too" he says and i walk away with bill to his car since he's driving me to the airport

it's a silent first few minutes of the drive as i plan to hold it together till i get on the plane "it's okay to cry char" bill says and i look at him as we pull up to a red light and he looks back at me "i know this is hard for you it's your first time truly away from him but you don't have to hold it together in front of me we're friends" he says and i let a tear finally slide down my face as i finally allow myself to break down

bill has become one of my best friends over the past three weeks of filming i go to him for everything and when he needs me i am there for him too it's nice to have a friend while i'm here for finn bill begins to drive again and once he looks away i let the tears really fall and i put my hands over my face to conceal my cries

after a little bit we get to the airport and bill parks somewhere a little bit more private then gets out of the car going to my door after bringing me out and pulling me into a hug

i then start having a full on breakdown so bill rubs my back and rests his head on mine as he sways us back and forth bill is at least three inches taller than me so when he does hug me for comfort this is usually how it goes

after about ten minutes i pull away then fix my makeup so i don't look like a mess when i head in because the paparazzi will eat me alive "thank you so much bill i am so glad that i have you i'm sorry that i break down to you so often" i say chuckling a little "it's alright i'm happy to be here for you now come on let's get you inside you've got a badass character to go play" he says making me smile

bill helps me through the airport as far as he can go without a ticket so i turn to him and look him in the eyes "take good care of him while i'm gone i'm putting a lot of trust in you he may not have come from me but that kid is my pride and joy i love him with everything in me" i say to bill with a very serious tone "we will be fine charlie" he says and i give him a weird look "charlie?" i say questioningly "yeah it's a nickname for charlotte" he says smiling "it's normally a nickname i tell people not to use but i oddly enough don't mind you saying it" i say smiling back at him "well i am honored but you have a plane to catch and i have children to go take care of whilst filming" he says making us both laugh until i look down feeling nervous again until i feel bill squeeze my hand "hey we'll be alright i'll make sure he texts you everyday and facetimes you at some point think of it like a week long sleepover" he says and i give him a 'really?' look "a sleepover in a different country sure" i say "we're gonna be alright charlie you'll be back before you know it now go be the badass that we all know you are" he says as i leave to go board my flight feeling a little bit better than before

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