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@charlotteflorescu: last day in edinburg well spent huge thanks to hemsworth for taking this photo of me <3

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@charlotteflorescu: last day in edinburg well spent huge thanks to hemsworth for taking this photo of me <3

❤️ by chrisevans, billskarsgard and 5.6 million others

@billskarsgård: you are a beauty charlie

@user8: oh my god 1) GORGEOUS 2) we need to find a ship name for bill and charlotte because i ship them SO HARD

@user87: i was thinking chill?

@sophialillis: wow you are literally stunning also i love the ship name chill @user87

@charlotteflorescu: thank you so much bill <3 @billskarsgard i love you peaches @sophialillis

@user90: lmao the cast ships charlotte and bill too

@jaedenmartell: we ship them so hard except for finn @user90

@user90: 1) I GOT NOTICED 2) oop tea

Guardian: Bill SkasgårdWhere stories live. Discover now