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charlottes pov

i just got off the plane and i am practically running to find bill so i can see him and go to the kids after a couple of minutes i finally spot bill and crash into him immediately wrapping my arms around him "i'm so happy to be back" i say "i'm so happy that you're back the kids and i have missed you like crazy" he says hugging me back "i'm really hungry can you and i go get some food before we go to the set" i ask finally pulling away "of course what would the lady like to eat" he asks as he takes my luggage and we walk to his car "i could really go for a sandwich" i say once my stomach grumbles "lucky for you there is one right down the street from the set" bill says

bill and i get into the car to drive to the sandwich shops and it just feels so great to be back with my people not that the marvel cast aren't my people i mean i love them but they can't compare to my kids and best friend "so how was filming" he asks breaking the silence "it was really nice i liked getting to see everyone and start playing wanda again also it was exciting to be in edinburg it's so beautiful there" i say "i've been there on vacation a few times it really is breathtaking" he says "maybe one day we could vacation there together and you could show me around" i offer as we get to a red light and look towards each other "yeah?" he asks kind of shocked "yeah" i say turning away once we start driving again "i think i'd like that" bill says pulling into the sandwich shop

"hi can i get a number five for here please" i ask the cashier "can i get a number four for here and then a number two togo" bill asks "a number two togo?" i ask as the cashier is taking our payment "finns favorite from here" he says "how do you know that" i ask once we sit down "him and i have been here a few times this week so i figured i'd bring him one back" he says making me smile really wide "what?" he asks "it's just nice to see someone caring about him" i say "i love all the kids but since i've been in charge of him this past week i feel like we've really developed a bond" he says then our food arrives and i take a sneaky picture of him before starting to eat my food

"so how have the kids been this week" i ask him "they've been good" he says continuing to eat "how have you been this week" i also ask causing him to look up at me and pause his eating "what do you mean" he asks "well you were pretty much taking care of all the kids this week and i know they can be a lot so i just want to make sure you were alright i know from personal experience that playing a heavy roll while watching over kids that aren't yours can be really hard" i say "i'm alright thank you for asking" he says with a smile "of course you're always here for me and i just want you to know that the feeling is mutual" i say and we both go back to enjoying our food

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