1 ~ Letters

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Dear Sev,

I hope your holidays have been as good as mine. We visited some relatives abroad, hence why I haven't been writing as often as usual. Turns out there's another witch in the family! Who knew! She goes to Ilvermorny and we've been owling each other ever since we met. I told her all about you and how you've helped me feel less alone, she said she wished to have a friend like you. I can't write much more, it's getting late and Tuni's already mad at me for keeping the light on.

Speaking of Tuni, you were right, she's gotten worse. If I mention magic at all now, she'll either walk out of the room or complain that I'm showing off. I wish I could make things back to how they were before.

See you in a few days,

Lily Jane Evans



I'm glad you wrote. Mother and father bought me a new owl and I've been dying to speak with you. His name is Gideon in case you were wondering, I thought it was fun. My holidays have been boring if I'm being honest, father was busy working and mother doesn't like me studying magic at home. It's been a lot of baking and 'family bonding', because father thinks I spend too much time alone in my room writing letters to you. I've missed writing to you.

Sorry to hear that about your sister, but that's what I expected. Muggles just don't understand us and they never can. That's cool about your relative being a witch, maybe you aren't strictly a muggleborn afterall.

Can't wait for Hogwarts,

Severus Snape



How've you been doing mate? Haven't seen you since the past... well you know. I've been wondering, maybe I can get Pa to see if he can find some sort of cure to it. He's descended from the great healing potion maker afterall, and I know that he'd agree to it. I also know that you don't want them to find out about all this, but Ma and Pa love you, no lycanthropy can change that. But you've lived with it so long I thought it might be a weird idea for you to part with it, which is why I wanted to ask.

On another note, Sirius is all settled in his new room. Now that we're roomies, his secret love for muggle bands has surfaced and I knew that it had something to do with you. Muggles definetely have an interesting taste in music. But seriously (siriusly?) one more Beetles song and I may send him packing. I'm sure your dad would like him.

See you at Diagon Alley tomorrow,



Deerest (wolfest?) Remus,

Yesterday was fun. I love going to those muggle concerts with you. Next date, I'm taking you to a Weird Sisters gig, you'll love it. Or we could prank James. It's become easy now that we're 'roomies' as he calls it. I won't feel guilty anymore after listening to him snore for nights on end. No wonder Evans doesn't like him.

On a more sirius note (okay for real now) I hope you're not still worried about me. Now that I've flown the coop I definetely feel better, plus I hate to make you anxious.

Yours sincerely,

Sirius Lee Black

P.S. I wish my mother had a sense of humour and that was my actual name.

P.P.S. Can't wait to see you and the boys tomorrow.



You haven't written to any of us in weeks. We're all worried about you. When me and Sirius were hanging out the other day he agreed that you weren't acting like yourself at the end of last year either. We're meeting at Diagon Alley tomorrow, like I mentioned in all my past letters, and I really hope you'll be there. It'll be a weight off of all of our shoulders if you do.

Happy 15th from all of us,

Remus Lupin

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