9 ~ This Should Be Interesting

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Lily's doe patronus galloped elegantly about the room before disappearing with a bow. As the Professor clapped, she glanced around the room for Sev's reaction. He was smiling and gave her a swift nod. Behind him, Remus clapped enthusiastically, pausing to give her a thumbs up. Even Black seemed impressed.

But Potter looked mortified.

She watched him whisper something to Black, who promptly burst into laughter. Were they mocking her? Was Potter embarrassed that he hadn't cast it yet? She left the front of the classroom to stand beside Severus.

"Did you hear what Potter said?" Lily asked, Sev shook his head.

"I imagine it's the usual."

"I suppose." But she knew there was more to it.

Before the lesson ended, Remus had been able to cast his patronus. It was an impressive looking wolf, which he seemed irritated at unsurprisingly. But he and Lily had been the only ones to successfully cast the charm, which she felt rather proud of.

Next was potions, Lily and Severus' favourite. However, they instantly regretted taking the lesson when none other than James Potter sauntered in. Had he taken the same lessons as Lily on purpose?

She couldn't pay attention as Professor Slughorn explained today's work, which didn't particularly matter as Sev would be listening, and instead wondered why Potter was always around. When Severus gasped, she had no clue what had shocked him.

"What's the matter?" Lily asked.

"We don't get to choose our partners for the year." He complained, "Slughorn does."

Lily understood his concern, but he was being dramatic. Slughorn would, no doubt, base the pairings on skill and probably mix up the houses, so her and Severus were bound to end up together anyway. As Slughorn read out the partners, her logic seemed more and more flawed. When he finally reached her name-

"Miss Evans will be working with Mr Potter."


Apparently Slughorn had decided to match the skilled with those who had no clue what to do. Which meant there was no avoiding Potter. They would work together in class, for homework and for a whole year.

She wasn't sure who was more annoyed, Severus, Potter or her.

Sev was paired with a girl from Hufflepuff who already seemed too jolly for him. Well, Lily supposed they would have to cope.

"Hey partner." Potter smirked irritatingly.

"Shut up."

The rest of the lesson was supposed to be spent planning out the year with your partner, but Lily and Potter ignored one another. Before she knew it, the day was over and she was cooped up in the common room again.

If this was the first day, then the rest of the year would be...


A/N: Sorry for another short chapter with a long wait. Truth be told, writing Lily is difficult...

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