19 ~ Rebellion

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Lily and Alice ran as quickly as they could to the gates, where a confused and scared crowd of students panicked. Among the group were Marlene and Dorcas, who weren't cowering but rather shouting at Professor Slughorn. 

"I know it's not bloody safe, why the hell do you think I wanna go in there!?" Mar yelled, held back by Dorcas.

"What's going on?" Alice asked, the moment the two girls joined the group.

"The Death Eaters have invaded Hogsmeade," Dorcas said, her voice calm but her hands shaking, "and Mary's still in there."

"It's not even like she's the only bloody one in there! James, Sirius and Remus are nowhere to be seen, not to mention the countless other students!" Marlene screeched.

"I understand you're upset, Miss McKinnon, but there's nothing I can do." Slughorn gestured to the crowd. "I've been instructed to protect the students who managed to escape, and prevent anyone else entering Hogsmeade. Dumbledore is personally leading a group of teachers to find and retrieve the missing students."

Lily stepped away from the rest of the girls, her mind racing. Mary, like her, was a muggleborn, which meant she was especially in danger. Dumbledore could be trusted to protect her and everyone else, but it was childish to assume that meant Mary was safe. The headmaster would try his best, but there was only so much he could do.

An idea slowly formed in Lily's mind, mysterious as misty mornings. It would go against every risk she had criticized the marauders for taking, not to mention breaking countless rules, and yet...

She resolved herself to never make any reckless decisions after this. Surely she was allowed one rebellion before committing to the calm life she so desired.

Before she could change her mind, Lily mumbled a spell under her breath. Thick, black fog surrounded the now even more confused students and Slughorn. They screamed and shouted in fear and anger. Lily winced knowing she was the cause of such terror, but it had to be done. Though the professor and students were blinded by the dark cloud, she could see perfectly fine and used the distraction as her chance to slip past Slughorn and through the gate to Hogsmeade.

Lily had never been particularly fond of Hogsmeade: it didn't appeal to her. The village simply wasn't of any use to her. She had never wanted to go on a date (and never been asked, not seriously at least); she didn't possess the urge to buy countless sweets, besides, the girls always shared; and she had never liked the taste of butterbeer - it was too sweet for her liking. 

Lily had never loved Hogsmeade the way her classmates did, but even she felt devastated at its state.

Shop windows were smashed, leaving shards of sharp glass littering the streets; scorch marks stained the ground - remnants of previous fights. It was heartbreaking to see such a happy place destroyed by evil.

As much as she wanted to simply stand and mourn, Lily knew this was not possible. Death Eaters still lurked in the shadows and she had a job to do.

She marched, determined, through the labyrinthine streets, picking up pace as she heard shouting. Every instinct she possessed demanded that she turn back, yet Lily continued towards the sound. She twisted and turned with the endless streets, certain she was closing in on the noise.

All of a sudden, Lily entered an alleyway and realised immediately that she wasn't alone. She scurried behind the corner from which she had emerged and peered out, attempting to see who was there.

"Petrificus totalus!" One figure shouted, for now Lily was certain there were two. 

In her efforts to see better, Lily must have stepped on some broken glass, because a 'crunch' made the figure spin around. Lily ducked back behind the wall, but not before she spotted the iron Death Eater mask.

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